Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

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Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby INOR on Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:42 pm

Video: Amir Locke, under blanket, holds gun as officers enter without warning, fire three shots. https://www.startribune.com/sources-man ... 600142720/

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Re: Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby Sorcerer on Thu Feb 03, 2022 9:23 pm

I wonder if we will know what was found in the apartment, if they took an inventory. I remember years back that rival drug dealers would raid other dealers using the same “police search warrant “ to get them to comply. Just because he had a permit does not mean he was a choirboy.
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Re: Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby Holland&Holland on Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:09 pm

Is this the guy that shot at the cops? Or was that a different one this week?
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Re: Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby xd ED on Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:49 pm

Holland&Holland wrote:Is this the guy that shot at the cops? Or was that a different one this week?

The guy that was shot and killed was not the subject of the warrant. He was just a dumbass sleeping with what as apparently an un-holstered pistol in bed, and the gun was the first thing the Police saw come out from under the covers.
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Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby INOR on Fri Feb 04, 2022 5:23 am

No knock warrant executed by swat for someone else. This guy was sleeping on the couch. The person they were after wasn’t there.

The person shot is reported to be a person with no criminal history and a legal firearm owner with a carry permit. Will see if that is true or if he has any connection to the person they were seeking.

Either way, another shooting that is going to be scrutinized hugely if it turns out this guy had no connection other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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Re: Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby Holland&Holland on Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:52 am

xd ED wrote:
Holland&Holland wrote:Is this the guy that shot at the cops? Or was that a different one this week?

The guy that was shot and killed was not the subject of the warrant. He was just a dumbass sleeping with what as apparently an un-holstered pistol in bed, and the gun was the first thing the Police saw come out from under the covers.

So is this a clarification calcification on the previous reporting or a whole new incident?
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Re: Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby xd ED on Fri Feb 04, 2022 8:51 am

Holland&Holland wrote:So is this a clarification calcification on the previous reporting or a whole new incident?

Not sure what you're asking. But the details of the warrant - the 'who/ what/ why' have not yet been disclosed, as far as I know.
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Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby INOR on Fri Feb 04, 2022 11:31 am

MNGOC put out a statement on it. This whole thing stinks so far. Pro-2A people need to pay attention to this case.

https://gunowners.mn/press-release-minn ... mir-locke/

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Re: Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby xd ED on Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:17 pm

INOR wrote:MNGOC put out a statement on it. This whole thing stinks so far. Pro-2A people need to pay attention to this case.

https://gunowners.mn/press-release-minn ... mir-locke/

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You stated in an earlier post "...This guy was sleeping on the couch. The person they were after wasn’t there...."

For the sake of argument, I'll say the guy they wanted WAS under the blanket, awake, and ready to shoot the Police.
From what was known at the time of the shooting: prove me wrong.

The problem here is not the actions of the Police on the scene, it is the policy and practice of using no-knock warrants, when other enforcement tools would suffice.
St. Paul police sought a “knock and announce” warrant for an apartment in Minneapolis during a homicide investigation, but Minneapolis police said they would not carry out the warrant unless it was “no knock,” law enforcement sources said Friday - TwinCities.com
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Re: Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby bstrawse on Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:25 pm

I'd say there's two things to think about.

1) What happened before the police entered? Why the no-knock? Why that approach? That's when you can influence events.

2) What happened once entry was made?

In my personal opinion, this was avoidable.

I'm sure we'll learn more in the coming days and weeks.
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Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby INOR on Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:42 pm

xd ED wrote:
For the sake of argument, I'll say the guy they wanted WAS under the blanket, awake, and ready to shoot the Police.
From what was known at the time of the shooting: prove me wrong.

Now you’re just making stuff up. The police have acknowledged that he wasn’t on the warrant and that he wasn’t in fact the person they were looking for.

Secondarily, they clearly did act inappropriately. They turned the key and entered immediately barely announcing their presence before they stormed in. This all happened in 5-6 second tops from the time the door opened to the time he was shot. Watch the video and count it off from entry to shots fired. He was completely under the blankets until the last second or so. You think he even had time to comprehend that they were even police?

Now it’s getting out that SPPD didn’t ask for a no-knock warrant. That was An MPD decision. They got both knock and no-knock. And they executed the latter. Why?

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Re: Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby xd ED on Fri Feb 04, 2022 1:04 pm

INOR wrote:
xd ED wrote:
For the sake of argument, I'll say the guy they wanted WAS under the blanket, awake, and ready to shoot the Police.
From what was known at the time of the shooting: prove me wrong.

Now you’re just making stuff up. The police have acknowledged that he wasn’t on the warrant and that he wasn’t in fact the person they were looking for.

Secondarily, they clearly did act inappropriately. They turned the key and entered immediately barely announcing their presence before they stormed in. This all happened in 5-6 second tops from the time the door opened to the time he was shot. Watch the video and count it off from entry to shots fired. He was completely under the blankets until the last second or so. You think he even had time to comprehend that they were even police?

Now it’s getting out that SPPD didn’t ask for a no-knock warrant. That was An MPD decision. They got both knock and no-knock. And they executed the latter. Why?

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Who is making what up?
Watch the timer on the video. It was ~15 seconds from the key turning, and a full 9 seconds between announcement, and the first shot fired.
Tell me where I am wrong:
There was an unknown individual concealed by a blanket on the couch.
Was he sleeping, or concealing himself from the Police? Tell me how you know which.
Tell me how you know his state of being(asleep/ awake), his identity, his ethnicity, or his intent?
The first thing that exposed itself was a pistol.

While it's not illegal to sleep with a loaded gun, what might have happened if, rather than the Police, a roommate would have stumbled into the couch after a night on the town?
Plenty of blame to go around, but the cops in the room were between a rock and a hard place.

from the previously linked article:
After Minneapolis police told St. Paul police that they would not execute the warrant unless it was “no knock,” St. Paul rewrote it and a judge signed off on it, according to law enforcement sources. A Minneapolis police spokesman said Friday he couldn’t comment.

In my mind there's a bunch of cops, and a judge that need to answer some questions.
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Re: Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby Jackpine Savage on Fri Feb 04, 2022 1:23 pm

I wonder if the address was a known problem.
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Re: Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby crbutler on Fri Feb 04, 2022 1:41 pm

I don’t like the idea of no knock warrants.

If I was on a jury, LEO’s with a no knock warrant instantly get treated as private citizens by me. In this case, that the guy came up with a gun makes me think the cops have a reason to shoot, but the guy who authorized the warrant deserves to me tried for manslaughter without cloak of office.

Wrong guy got killed because they insisted on a no knock warrant. The thing speaks for itself. Also, any cop who insisted on this being no knock as well. That is not Law Enforcement’s place.

I’ve been woken up on hospital call and it can take waaay more than 9 seconds for me to make a coherent decision.
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Minneapolis police shooting - here we go again

Postby INOR on Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:13 pm

I don’t know, Ed. I counted off and it was six seconds in that they entered and it was at maybe 14 when shots fired. 8 seconds. And your analogy of a roommate coming home after a night on the town just doesn’t make sense. There’s a huge difference between a roommate stumbling in drunk at 6:48 in the morning and a bunch of people stormtrooping screaming and shining lights everywhere.

Also a presence of a gun, even in someone’s hand, doesn’t mean shoot the MFer. I don’t even think it was pointed at them. It was pointed at the floor and away from what I could see.

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Last edited by INOR on Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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