Comey Warns Trump Might Use the Constitution Against Him and

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Comey Warns Trump Might Use the Constitution Against Him and

Postby jdege on Mon Jun 05, 2023 4:24 pm
Comey Warns Trump Might Use the Constitution Against Him and His Corrupt Friends
Hey, that’s a terrific point, Comey. I, too, want people to stare at the threat we’re facing and understand that they cannot take the next election off. If the American people want to see the threat that we’re facing and understand why the next election is so very important, all they have to do is take a look not at Donald Trump, but at James Comey. This sinister, hypocritical, and self-righteous party comrade has done damage to the FBI and the Justice Department that may never be repaired, and now he is afraid that Trump might hold him and his henchmen accountable. Note that he made it clear that, in the nightmare scenario he sketched out for Psaki, everything Trump might do would be constitutional. Leftists have made their disdain for the Constitution clear for years. Now Comey is impugning before it gets used against someone like… James Comey.
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Re: Comey Warns Trump Might Use the Constitution Against Him and

Postby daleamn on Mon Jun 05, 2023 4:59 pm

Captain Obvious weighing in here:
I grew up watching 'THE FBI' on TV (the one with Efrem Zimbalist Jr.) and enjoy at least one of the current FBI shows on now and think the FBI SHOULD be the pinnacle of unbiased, professional, law enforcement. They should have the expertise, the equipment and the technology available to help out local law enforcement and should NOT be taking sides in political debates or be used to intimidate folks for their political views.

I think we HAVE seen the FBI and the Department of Justice being used to do these very things and I'd like it stopped. I don't want 'the other side' doing it and I don't want 'my side' doing it (as if my side will ever get in power). I want it stopped and everybody, on all sides of the political spectrum, to agree it (weaponizing law enforcement against your political enemies) has no place in our justice system.
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