Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

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Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Sun Jul 21, 2024 12:45 pm

Biden drops out of presidential race and endorses Harris to be nominee ... index.html
In his follow-up post, Biden praised Harris and urged Democrats to unite behind her. “My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President,” Biden wrote. “And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year.”

So we went from two losers with the likely nominations to one loser and an unknown. It will be interesting. Maybe Biden will be replaced with a candidate that is less gun grabby than Biden and Trump.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Sorcerer on Sun Jul 21, 2024 3:24 pm

It should be interesting if the convention delegates fall in lock step. I may need to restock the pop corn.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Sun Jul 21, 2024 3:52 pm

There will probably be the usual backstabbing, promises made and compromises back stage, then a dog and pony show up front.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Jackpine Savage on Sun Jul 21, 2024 4:24 pm

Ranb wrote:So we went from two losers with the likely nominations to one loser and an unknown. It will be interesting. Maybe Biden will be replaced with a candidate that is less gun grabby than Biden and Trump.

:lol: Pro gun Democrats are pretty much extinct, especially at that level.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby xd ED on Sun Jul 21, 2024 5:57 pm

If you were shocked and surprised when you heard the news, think of how biden must have felt....
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Sun Jul 21, 2024 7:44 pm

Jackpine Savage wrote: :lol: Pro gun Democrats are pretty much extinct, especially at that level.

You can say the same thing about the GOP. What did they accomplish from 2016 to 2018 when the GOP controlled everything? Instead of silencer deregulation and CCW reciprocity, we got a gun grab (bump stocks).

What is Trump going to do if he is re-elected? Firearm confiscation without due process? Raise the age to buy semi-auto from 18 to 21? He pushed for both of these things while president and has yet to back down from them
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Rip Van Winkle on Mon Jul 22, 2024 5:18 am

Ranb wrote: Firearm confiscation without due process?


Please post the citation where Trump pushed for gun confiscation without due process.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Sorcerer on Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:25 am

Rip Van Winkle wrote:
Ranb wrote: Firearm confiscation without due process?


Please post the citation where Trump pushed for gun confiscation without due process.

My guess is he is referring to Trump's call for ban on bump stocks.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Jackpine Savage on Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:33 am

Ranb wrote:
Jackpine Savage wrote: :lol: Pro gun Democrats are pretty much extinct, especially at that level.

You can say the same thing about the GOP. What did they accomplish from 2016 to 2018 when the GOP controlled everything? Instead of silencer deregulation and CCW reciprocity, we got a gun grab (bump stocks).

What is Trump going to do if he is re-elected? Firearm confiscation without due process? Raise the age to buy semi-auto from 18 to 21? He pushed for both of these things while president and has yet to back down from them

When you find the perfect candidate please let me know.

How are things going out there in WA?
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Holland&Holland on Mon Jul 22, 2024 8:04 am

xd ED wrote:If you were shocked and surprised when you heard the news, think of how biden must have felt....

They just gave him an ice cream treat and a bib. No need to tell him anything.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Mon Jul 22, 2024 8:06 am

Rip Van Winkle wrote:Please post the citation where Trump pushed for gun confiscation without due process.

It was his insane "take the guns first, due process second" push for red flag laws. Trump was in a meeting with the VP and several people from Congress. Pence was talking about the need for red flag laws, but they had to ensure that due process was used to ensure a person;s rights were not trampled upon. Trump claimed he wanted to take the guns first, due process later.

How is it that you're not aware of this? Trump's relevant remarks are about 45 minutes into this video. ... CWXKfP6wn4
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Mon Jul 22, 2024 8:07 am

Sorcerer wrote:My guess is he is referring to Trump's call for ban on bump stocks.

No, I was referring to Trump's push for red flag laws without due process.

Trump's call for a bump stock ban was much more than talk. He actually accomplished the bump stock ban by ordering the ATF to amend 27 CFR to include bum stocks in the definition of machine guns. Half a million law abiding Americans were forced to destroy, surrender or mostly likely, hide their bump stocks. Congress was considering their own bump stock ban, but Trump wanted to make his mark by having his own gun grab.
The ATF rule on bump stocks. ... -27763.pdf
Title 27; not updated yet. ... B/part-478

The Supreme court considered Trump's actions to be so over reaching that they recently reverse his gun grab. Now some bump stocks are legal again. The courts have not reversed Bush's ban on spring loaded bump stocks such as the Atkin Accelerator.
Judgement affirmed. ... v-cargill/
Last edited by Ranb on Mon Jul 22, 2024 8:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Mon Jul 22, 2024 8:10 am

Jackpine Savage wrote:When you find the perfect candidate please let me know.

How are things going out there in WA?

We don't need a perfect GOP candidate. Is it too much to ask that a GOP candidate not be so anti-gun?

Things are terrible in WA. We had a recent AWB. But I spend most of my time in MN now. I own my ancestral home here now and enjoy it very much.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Jackpine Savage on Mon Jul 22, 2024 11:05 am

Ranb wrote:
Jackpine Savage wrote:When you find the perfect candidate please let me know.

How are things going out there in WA?

We don't need a perfect GOP candidate. Is it too much to ask that a GOP candidate not be so anti-gun?

Things are terrible in WA. We had a recent AWB. But I spend most of my time in MN now. I own my ancestral home here now and enjoy it very much.

Given the fact that Trump will be the nominee (if they don't kill him first), will you vote for him?

You don't seem to recognize that there is a difference in the parties. If Hillary had appointed those last three Supreme Court justices, do you think we would be seeing any pro-gun decisions?
"I'll just store it at my place in Arizona. :lol:" - Markemp - 2/18/24 (referring to his M1A if it should be banned in MN)
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Mon Jul 22, 2024 11:43 am

I answered your question, can you answer mine?

Unlike some others, my sense of integrity does not allow me to vote for a known gun grabber and anti-gun extremist like Trump.

You don't seem to notice that there is a difference between future nominees. Trump is a two time loser of the popular vote. There are others better qualified Republicans who are not anti-gun like Trump and that would make a more suitable candidate. Why is it that some people seem to value devotion to a politician more than their civil rights?
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