West Virginia colleges must allow concealed carry

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West Virginia colleges must allow concealed carry

Postby jdege on Wed Jul 31, 2024 11:29 pm

Under a new West Virginia law, colleges must allow concealed carry
Approved by West Virginia’s legislature and signed by Gov. Jim Justice in 2023, the law requires all of the state’s higher education institutions to generally allow students, professors and others to carry concealed pistols or revolvers on campus grounds.

Those who choose to carry must have a license to do so, and their weapons cannot be visible.

The law does carve out some exceptions that allow schools to choose to prohibit firearms in certain places. For example, WVU will continue to ban firearms in dorm rooms, at stadium events with more than 1,000 people, and in areas where patient care or mental health counseling is occurring.

A full list of areas where concealed carry is prohibited at WVU can be found on the university’s website.

Because weapons can’t be stored in dorm rooms, students who live on campus must store their pistols and revolvers in designated lockers.
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