Return of Ranb

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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby Ranb on Sun Aug 11, 2024 8:57 pm

Holland&Holland wrote:So obviously you hate Trump so much you don’t care what evil you put into power. Harris and the socialist regime sure seem to reflect Christian values while they are aborting babies.

I care enough to know that the GOP can do much better. What does Harris and Walz's lack of Christian values have to do with Trump?
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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby Holland&Holland on Sun Aug 11, 2024 9:08 pm

Ranb wrote:
Holland&Holland wrote:So obviously you hate Trump so much you don’t care what evil you put into power. Harris and the socialist regime sure seem to reflect Christian values while they are aborting babies.

I care enough to know that the GOP can do much better. What does Harris and Walz's lack of Christian values have to do with Trump?

What does Trump’s?

Do you even read what you post?
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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby Holland&Holland on Sun Aug 11, 2024 9:09 pm

Ranb wrote:
ex-LT wrote:Here's my opinion on Trump.

He is not highly knowledgeable about firearms/2A issues, and likely allows advisors (who more than likely are weak on 2A).
Is he the ideal candidate? NO.
Can he win? That's the $64,000 question.

One last observation: Despite all his warts, Trump is still worlds better than the alternative. Since the Democrats anointed Kamala Harris as the replacement for Dementia Joe, she has adopted Trump's stance on EVERY major policy issue. The big question is whether the public is smart enough to look at her record as Senator and VP (she was voted THE MOST LIBERAL Senator in congress - left of even Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren) and see her shift to the right as the obvious chameleon act that it is.

Trump dislikes American gun owners. How else to explain his gun grab, his push for gun confiscation without due process and his desire to raise the age to buy guns from 18 to 21?

Calling Trump "not ideal" is disturbing. Trump is awful.

I think Trump is unable to win. It appears that the GOP is trying to throw the election by nominating Trump instead of someone who is capable of winning. Trump is also extremely liberal as shown by his over-zealous anti-gun attitude.

Trump is at best a pseudo-conservative based upon his disregard for basic Judeo-Christian values.
1. Dignity of Human Life. Trump claims he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any voters.
2. Traditional Family. Trump is three times married and has probably cheated on all three of his wives. He openly lusted after his daughter Ivanka.
3. National Work Ethic. Trump spent far too much time on the golf course after claiming he would be too busy as president to ever golf.
4. Common Decency. Trump takes advantage of people by not paying his bills. He has tried to screw an old widow out of her home using eminent domain laws, etc.
5. Personal Accountability to God. Trump claims he has no reason to repent or ask forgiveness.
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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby Rip Van Winkle on Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:07 pm

Trump sucks, Trump sucks, Trump sucks.

And the one note pony drones on and on. :roll:
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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby Lumpy on Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:26 am

Democrats: "Guns are a scourge upon society that should be completely abolished!"
Trump: "I could see at least some restrictions on guns."
Ranb: "Trump is so anti-gun we should let the Democrats win rather than vote for him."

:?: :roll: :!: :doh:
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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby Holland&Holland on Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:42 am

Lumpy wrote:Democrats: "Guns are a scourge upon society that should be completely abolished!"
Trump: "I could see at least some restrictions on guns."
Ranb: "Trump is so anti-gun we should let the Democrats win rather than vote for him."

:?: :roll: :!: :doh:

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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby xd ED on Mon Aug 12, 2024 2:28 pm

Lumpy wrote:Democrats: "Guns are a scourge upon society that should be completely abolished!"
Trump: "I could see at least some restrictions on guns."
Ranb: "Trump is so anti-gun we should let the Democrats win rather than vote for him."

:?: :roll: :!: :doh:

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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby Ranb on Mon Aug 12, 2024 5:58 pm

Lumpy wrote:Democrats: "Guns are a scourge upon society that should be completely abolished!"
Trump: "I could see at least some restrictions on guns."
Ranb: "Trump is so anti-gun we should let the Democrats win rather than vote for him."

Democrats: "Guns are a scourge upon society that should be completely abolished!" - That is their opinion, sucks to be them.
Trump: "I could see at least some restrictions on guns." - Trump had his own gun grab, wants gun confiscation without due process and wants to raise the age limit to buy guns.
Ranb: "Trump is so anti-gun we should let the Democrats win rather than vote for him." - I never said this. I want a GOP nominee who can win.
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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby Ranb on Mon Aug 12, 2024 6:00 pm

Holland&Holland wrote:Do you even read what you post?

Trump claims to be a Christian and his Christian supporters are anything but Christians.
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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby Rip Van Winkle on Mon Aug 12, 2024 6:29 pm

Orange man bad!
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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby Holland&Holland on Mon Aug 12, 2024 6:52 pm

Ranb wrote:
Holland&Holland wrote:Do you even read what you post?

Trump claims to be a Christian and his Christian supporters are anything but Christians.

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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby Lumpy on Tue Aug 13, 2024 12:42 pm

Ranb wrote:I never said this. I want a GOP nominee who can win.

Are you willing to refuse to vote for him against Harris as a protest?

And anyway, who in the Republican party actually has a confirmed record of real support for gun rights? Comparatively few I presume.
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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby FJ540 on Fri Oct 18, 2024 5:43 am

I see I didn't miss much around here. :roll:

Btw, I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it to lunch before leaving the communist $hit hole you all still call home. I too ended up 140 miles away from the metro, and 6 hours is a lot of driving for tired Chinese food with good company. Hell, I only visited my parents 3 times since January '22.

Now I'm a little shy of 850 miles South in the 2A sanctuary State of Oklahoma. Who's coming for lunch, or don't you respect constitutional carry and complete disregard for Red flag laws (they're actually illegal here)? :lol: C'mon Kyle, be better.

I'm still not a Trumper, but I did like how he stacked the courts with Constitutional Conservative judges. I could protest vote here, but 80% of this state votes Red. 8-) It's a beautiful thing!
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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby Holland&Holland on Fri Oct 18, 2024 7:10 am

FJ540 wrote:I see I didn't miss much around here. :roll:

Btw, I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it to lunch before leaving the communist $hit hole you all still call home. I too ended up 140 miles away from the metro, and 6 hours is a lot of driving for tired Chinese food with good company. Hell, I only visited my parents 3 times since January '22.

Now I'm a little shy of 850 miles South in the 2A sanctuary State of Oklahoma. Who's coming for lunch, or don't you respect constitutional carry and complete disregard for Red flag laws (they're actually illegal here)? :lol: C'mon Kyle, be better.

I'm still not a Trumper, but I did like how he stacked the courts with Constitutional Conservative judges. I could protest vote here, but 80% of this state votes Red. 8-) It's a beautiful thing!

Good to hear from you!

If I get down that way for work we will have to do lunch.
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Re: Return of Ranb

Postby xd ED on Fri Oct 18, 2024 8:18 am

FJ540 wrote:I see I didn't miss much around here. :roll:

Btw, I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it to lunch before leaving the communist $hit hole you all still call home. I too ended up 140 miles away from the metro, and 6 hours is a lot of driving for tired Chinese food with good company. Hell, I only visited my parents 3 times since January '22.

Now I'm a little shy of 850 miles South in the 2A sanctuary State of Oklahoma. Who's coming for lunch, or don't you respect constitutional carry and complete disregard for Red flag laws (they're actually illegal here)? :lol: C'mon Kyle, be better.

I'm still not a Trumper, but I did like how he stacked the courts with Constitutional Conservative judges. I could protest vote here, but 80% of this state votes Red. 8-) It's a beautiful thing!

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