Airforce Condor SS legal in MN?

Re: Airforce Condor SS legal in MN?

Postby xd ED on Sun Mar 05, 2017 7:43 pm

....and holy hell would break loose...

I had something happen once, and it was pretty intense for a few minutes.

I once worked at our city's water treatment plant...lots of building parapets, a rail car warehouse, large, semi covered tanks, etc....perfect pigeon environment.
For most of one summer I took my air rifle to work on Sundays when things were quiet. Also on the property is the city's police canine training center... lots of cops coming and going.
Most of the guys recognized me as an employee. Some even took an interest in the rifle. One day everything went sideways... a cop chick, seeing me aiming at the roof line of a 3 story bldg. went full TJ Hooker on me... stopped her car in the middle of the street, drew on me from behind the drivers door, radioing for help....yelling at me over the seemed almost instantly there were 3 squads, and a bunch of guys on foot( I was only about 100 yrs from their compound.)
I was in the middle of the street...had to throw my rifle to the curb... hands on my head until it got worked out...after that I let the pigeons ****all over to their heart's content.
But it was fun while it lasted.
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Re: Airforce Condor SS legal in MN?

Postby FJ540 on Sun Mar 05, 2017 8:53 pm

:lol: Yeah, that's the kind of thing I'd like to avoid.

I figure the phone call to the cops will get that kind of response if the wrong person saw me outside. "White male with black rifle". You know that won't end well, so I try to remain discreet.
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