sks value?

Discussion of rifles, shotguns, and muzzleloaders

sks value?

Postby zachkuby87 on Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:28 pm

Ok guys my buddy has a Chinese sks he's looking to unload he asked me what it's worth. first off I know nothing about em. I told him id look around though. from what I can tell its in great condition everything functions as it should I checked all the numbers I can find and they all match don't know if it matters but I figure someone might ask. I can text or email pics to anyone if we have a self proclaimed sks expert in house here. I'm just looking for a ballpark figure. plus Idk if the sks falls into the category with all these other rifles selling for insane prices due to our dictator err um I mean president. let me know his and add always I appreciate any help...
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