by BigBlue on Fri Apr 27, 2018 11:55 am
Follow-up on the muzzle device:
AP sent me a couple spare crush washers so last night I decided to try it again. I paid attention to making sure that the armorer's wrench did not cover the washer. My theory is that this was what caused the oval deformation last time. I think I was right... that led to it deforming more uniformly (round). Still seemed to squish out a bit more in some places than others but that's probably just the nature of things.
I set the torque wrench for 25 ft-lbs with hope of it going off with something less than 180* of clocking required. I would then have felt comfortable finishing the clocking without way over-torquing. I reached the correct clocking before the 25 ft-lbs, but I could tell it was getting tight. The barrel (clamped in no-mar vice jaws) was starting to try to rotate in the vice. Again I felt there was no way I was going to get another full rotation done so I just left it. I used anti-seize as per AP's instructions. I did not use threadlocker. I'm going to call this good until/unless I find that it works loose in the future.