Kimberman on the Carry Forum wrote:Urge your friends to find the House booth and vote NO in this poll.MINNESOTA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
175 State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155
Date: Aug. 19, 2010
Fairgoers invited to weigh in on guns, higher education costs and Vikings' stadium
Legislators to meet and greet at the Minnesota State Fair
Fairgoers can let their opinion be known on a number of issues by participating in the annual Minnesota State Fair Poll at the House of Representatives' booth during the fair’s 12-day run, Aug. 26- Sept. 6.
This year's questions include firearms at gun shows, tax breaks for small businesses, costs at public colleges and universities, and public funding for a new stadium to house the Minnesota Vikings.
Although not scientific, ballot results give a heads up to what Minnesotans think about some high-profile issues. A list of this year’s poll questions is available on the House website, Poll results should be available on the House website Sept. 7.
Located in the Education Building on Cosgrove Street just north of Dan Patch Avenue, the booth will be stocked with information to introduce fairgoers to state government and to help them better understand the legislative process.
The following is an E-mail I put together (with editorial help from PrinceWally and Andrew Rothman )to send to my mail list and get the word out:
Going to the State Fair? Watch out for snakes
The State Fair Poll Sponsored by the House of Representatives is rigged with some very vague and deceptive anti-gun language this year. Please tell your friends, family, and Representatives that question #1 is unacceptable. The only safe answer is "NO!"
Here are this year’s poll questions being offered to fair-goers at the House of Representatives booth in the Education Building on Cosgrove Street just north of Dan Patch Avenue. Unfortunately, this poll is being used to further an anti-gun agenda.
"When someone wants to purchase a firearm at a gun show, should a background check on the buyer be required prior to the sale?"
This sounds like common sense, but it's not. Pay very close attention to the wording. The question fails to differentiate between federally licensed firearms dealers and private party sales.
Representative Paymar has been authoring anti-gun legislation for years. His prior bills tip his hand and show us his ultimate goal: Complete gun control, no private party sales, and gun registration.
Much like the camel's nose under the tent, if we don't vigorously oppose This now we'll eventually end up with the whole package of Rep. Paymar's anti-gun agenda in incremental steps.
As recently as 2007-2008, Paymar Authored House File 3324, a very expensive and overreaching piece of legislation which would do nothing more than make firearms less accessible for law abiding citizens. The bill attempted to eliminate private property transfers between law abiding citizens and register all firearms transfers in a state-wide database.
HF 3324 defined a "firearms collectors' exhibition" as any event at which 50 or more firearms are offered or exhibited for transfer; and two or more persons are offering or exhibiting one or more firearms for transfer.
Ignoring The facts:
Minnesota already has several statutes covering private party sales, prohibiting sales to ineligible persons, and a functioning transferee permit process.
With this in mind, Paymar has stepped back and has been trying for a little less of the pie.
In 2009-2010 Bill, Paymar Authored House File 2960, where Gun shows were defined as: the entire premises open to the public for the event or function, that is sponsored and has the primary purpose of facilitating, in whole or in part, the purchase, sale, or offer for sale, of firearms at which 25 or more firearms are offered for transfer, and three or more persons are offering one or more firearms for transfer"
They've certainly stepped back and tried for smaller pieces but now they're attempting to build support early with a broadly worded and misleading poll at the state fair. Their intent is clear.
That battle on this issue starts today.
Please get the word out that this question CANNOT be taken at face value. The only safe answer is NO. Any other answer plays into the future plans of anti-gun legislators! Please tell your friends, family, and Representatives that question #1 is vague, deceptive, and unacceptable.
Thank you for your time and support.