Ted Nugent says new Michigan hunting rules will trigger...

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Ted Nugent says new Michigan hunting rules will trigger...

Postby Grayskies on Thu Sep 19, 2019 3:38 am

Ted Nugent says new Michigan hunting rules will trigger 'widespread civil disobedience'
Ted Nugent took aim Tuesday at a new rule prohibiting baiting and feeding deer and elk in Michigan, insisting the ban will lead to “widespread civil disobedience” among fellow hunters.

Mr. Nugent, a Michigan-born rock guitarist and longtime board member of the National Rifle Association, testified in front of a state House committee in support of a bill that would overturn the recently enacted rule against baiting game.

“This is a Rosa Parks moment,” Mr. Nugent told reporters afterward, according to the Detroit Free Press. “The law is wrong, the law is bad, the law is illegal.”

Backed by both the Michigan state Department of Natural Resources and Natural Resources Commission, the rule banning hunters from feeding deer and elk is meant to lower the odds of the animals spreading certain diseases, according to its advocates.

https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2019 ... s-will-tr/

Is this that big a thing?
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Re: Ted Nugent says new Michigan hunting rules will trigger...

Postby yukonjasper on Thu Sep 19, 2019 9:06 am

It is if the style of hunting is what you know. It gets scary thinking about not getting your deer every year because you are used to hunting over bait. Takes more time, effort and skill to not hunt over piles of corn. I don't think Uncle Ted is choosing his battles wisely.

I don't have a lot of respect for the practice, seems like you are cheating.
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Re: Ted Nugent says new Michigan hunting rules will trigger...

Postby crbutler on Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:41 am

While I agree with those that call this tilting at windmills, it does sound like Michigan is playing games... they haven’t banned baiting, but they passed a rule saying it is...

Deer baiting isn’t my thing, but hunting customs differ.

How well do folks do on black bear without baiting?

Trying to hunt whitetail in Texas is pretty much impossible due to the thickness of the brush without baiting.

And the logical leading question- is hunting over a food plot you placed to hunt over really baiting?

Think about the western hunter- is a deer stand sporting? (Out west most hunting is spot and stalk). Who are we to say stands are “fair chase”?

Try hunting leopard without baiting or hounds....

The list goes on.

Their reason is CWD for proposing this. MI is well known for its huge deer game farms... look up the Sanctuary if you have no idea about it, to me this is more likely the cause of the CWD, but I’m not in that field. I do know we have had issues with farming deer here in MN that go to outfits like that - even though we don’t have those farms...
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Re: Ted Nugent says new Michigan hunting rules will trigger...

Postby Holland&Holland on Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:30 am

crbutler wrote:While I agree with those that call this tilting at windmills, it does sound like Michigan is playing games... they haven’t banned baiting, but they passed a rule saying it is...

Deer baiting isn’t my thing, but hunting customs differ.

How well do folks do on black bear without baiting?

Trying to hunt whitetail in Texas is pretty much impossible due to the thickness of the brush without baiting.

And the logical leading question- is hunting over a food plot you placed to hunt over really baiting?

Think about the western hunter- is a deer stand sporting? (Out west most hunting is spot and stalk). Who are we to say stands are “fair chase”?

Try hunting leopard without baiting or hounds....

The list goes on.

Their reason is CWD for proposing this. MI is well known for its huge deer game farms... look up the Sanctuary if you have no idea about it, to me this is more likely the cause of the CWD, but I’m not in that field. I do know we have had issues with farming deer here in MN that go to outfits like that - even though we don’t have those farms...

Well said. I have a brother in law who tracks and hunts deer in Sweden with wiener dogs. Traditions and practices differ.
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