8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

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8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby rugersol on Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:05 am


“This means that the rights of this amendment are not extended to the individual citizens of the states,” the worksheet reads. “So a person has no right to complain about a Second Amendment violation by state laws.”

According to the document, the Second Amendment “only provides the right of a state to keep an armed National Guard.”

“It is no longer an assignment in that particular school,” she said, noting that it was an “administration decision in the best interest of the district.”

She refused to answer any questions about the content of the lesson, how it became a part of the curriculum or how many students were assigned the lesson. She also refused to acknowledge whether the school will apologize to students and parents.
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby 20mm on Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:04 pm

School boards exist for a reason, use them.
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby hoel6466 on Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:12 pm

You can bet your ass that if the homework assignment was pushing conservative agenda someone would be fired. I hope the parents make a big deal out of this and send a message to these folks... :wack:
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby darkwolf45 on Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:49 pm

hoel6466 wrote:You can bet your ass that if the homework assignment was pushing conservative agenda someone would be fired. I hope the parents make a big deal out of this and send a message to these folks... :wack:

I actually remember a couple social studies teachers and english teachers from my junior high school days here in MN who taught the same lesson in their classes
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby Chunkychuck on Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:30 pm

darkwolf45 wrote:
hoel6466 wrote:You can bet your ass that if the homework assignment was pushing conservative agenda someone would be fired. I hope the parents make a big deal out of this and send a message to these folks... :wack:

I actually remember a couple social studies teachers and english teachers from my junior high school days here in MN who taught the same lesson in their classes

But Heller and McDonald didn't exist then to help refute their argument.
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby sansooshooter on Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:35 pm

At my kids school they tell them they cant defend themselves from a physical assault. They are suppose to take it then run to the nearest person of
Sound familiar? That's what the anti gun crowd tells us to do !
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby Evad on Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:43 pm

sansooshooter wrote:At my kids school they tell them they cant defend themselves from a physical assault. They are suppose to take it then run to the nearest person of
Sound familiar? That's what the anti gun crowd tells us to do !

My kids know damn well I will never punish them for standing up for themselves.

I might know a guy who had a debate with a principal over something similar. She said that a property damaged or stolen on school grounds was something she would not get involved in, and made it clear she would not assist if this guy called the police since she was not willing to assist. That guy asked her what she would do if he took her purse from her, since he was bigger, and it was on school grounds...that met her criteria of acceptable, no?

Same principal once told a guy his kid was a liar because his kid's story didn't match the two who got out of trouble by pointing a finger. Two people couldn't possibly gang up on another, right?

That principal is not at that school anymore.
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby Collector1337420 on Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:43 pm

2A doesn't mean the national guard, that's absurd.

What we're seeing here is victim training at work.
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby MaryB on Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:50 pm

Liberal agenda to churn out pliant accepting zombies for Obama's plans. No critical thinking is taught anymore.
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby cgrant26 on Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:04 am

MaryB wrote:Liberal agenda to churn out pliant accepting zombies for Obama's plans. No critical thinking is taught anymore.

It's sad. I've been seeing a trend in public education for years that has shifted to teaching kids what to think instead of how to think.
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby Josh189 on Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:05 am

darkwolf45 wrote:
hoel6466 wrote:You can bet your ass that if the homework assignment was pushing conservative agenda someone would be fired. I hope the parents make a big deal out of this and send a message to these folks... :wack:

I actually remember a couple social studies teachers and english teachers from my junior high school days here in MN who taught the same lesson in their classes

And here you are on MNGUNTALK, I guess that lesson didn't stick too well. Good thing.
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby darkwolf45 on Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:44 am

Josh189 wrote:
darkwolf45 wrote:
hoel6466 wrote:You can bet your ass that if the homework assignment was pushing conservative agenda someone would be fired. I hope the parents make a big deal out of this and send a message to these folks... :wack:

I actually remember a couple social studies teachers and english teachers from my junior high school days here in MN who taught the same lesson in their classes

And here you are on MNGUNTALK, I guess that lesson didn't stick too well. Good thing.

I had the benefit of a father who was a LEO. One day one of these English teachers (who was also a neighbor) gave a lengthy sermon in class to my sister and her peers attempting to cement how evil guns were. After weeks of this it finally took and when my dad came home that day she glared at his holster and announced "Oh, you have that THING with you."

I'm not privy to exactly was said to the teacher or school following this. I know the school wasn't particularly receptive, and I know that dad started taking us to the range more often.

These teachers, and some others like them really went out of their way to use their pulpits to drill in political doctrine and their classes didn't have nearly as much in terms of actual curriculum. Long story short, my siblings and I were the exception, not the rule.
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby MaryB on Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:35 pm

Go back to the 70's when I was in HS and gun racks in the back windows of pickups were common. Smaller town and more of a rural economy so guns were just part of life.
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby EllisW on Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:50 pm

To be fair, that is a valid interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. It's not our interpretation or the interpretation of the supreme court via Heller, but it does make a certain amount of (dumb) logical sense. The key word here is interpretation. Just because you and I disagree with their interpretation doesn't exactly make it a wrong one.

Frankly, I'm surprised they approached the issue at all, even in light of current events. That's a little too biased considering the sht fits that helicopter parents can start over the most minor of make believe offenses.
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Re: 8th Grade Assignment: 2A = "National Guard"

Postby jgalt on Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:26 pm

EllisW wrote:To be fair, that is a valid interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

No, it isn't. It is factually, historically incorrect.

If you meant to say that a large number of people believe it is a valid interpretation, that would be an accurate statement. To say that it is itself valid is false.
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