LumberZach wrote:Do you guys think the pins work the brass too much? I have concerns about that, but I am extremely interested in the pins. I thought that the walnut would be good to try because it seems so tried and true. That and because it is easily available at Gander and such.
fwiw I get my walnut shells and corn cob from either Petsmart, Petco or Walmart. It is used as Pet bedding or substrate. It is far cheaper and I find the walnut ground much finer, which prevents any possibility of it plugging the flash holes. I add Nu Finish Car Polish to both, which helps prevent the brass from oxidizing as quickly.
Now that I have the wet tumbler, I do the following process in this order
Tumble dirty brass for 1 hr in plain Walnut Shell (Vibratory Tumbler) to get firing residue before I deprime and resize.
Deprime- Resize
Wet Tumble with Stainless Steel Pins, Dawn Dish Detergent and Lemi-Shine (Rotary Tumbler)
I then use my media seperator ( same one for walnut-corncob) to seperate pins brass and then completely rinse all traces of soap etc. in clear water.
Then dry the brass on a towel in front of a small fan. About 1 1/2 hrs.
After loading my ammo I then put the loaded ammo in the Corn Cob with Nu Finish (Vibratory Tumbler again)and wear cotton gloves to handle my loads as I place them in either sealed bags or ammo boxes for storage.
Most of this I learned from OldmanFCSA, except for the Nu Finish. That, I picked up from a You Tube video.