Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

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Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby gunsmith on Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:33 pm

Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

His Baldy, White Haired atty is doing ok.
2 things.
A) good people skills....he's a good communicator...likeable, articulate.
B) Knows the law and makes his statements based on simple facts.

So. Good Lawyer who is 'Likeable' Good Lawyer should be enough.

The Judge looks like she was a C student in Law school and has 'Never been Kissed' the female equivalent of 'Pencil-neck geek' except she's 'Fat' I'm expecting her to be 'Just Competent'

I've avoided the 'Chat' between live courtroom vid....That could get really ugly. But it's there on HLN and the highlights will be replayed in the evening. They pause the live feed for commercials.

If Al Sharpton shows up there's a danger that I may go 'Elvis' on my TV.

This just in....White Haired Baldy Lawyer...arguing Trayvin was not 'Un-Armed' ....he's arguing the Concrete Sidewalk was a weapon...good work. http://www.hlntv.com
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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby Heffay on Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:49 pm



Zimmerman is going to fry.
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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby gunsmith on Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:59 pm

"Women are Stupid" Will that help Zimmerman or the prosecution ?

By that I mean American women generally have trouble letting reason prevail over emotion.

This is a vulnerability that needs to be exploited by the Defense. That's why Osama is president: Stupid Women. :) :) :)

I think they are smart enough and ruthless enough. Zimm's other lawyer is a nerd-geek and I think that's an advantage in a way...he looks trustworthy. This could be good theatre. The Crazy Slut who killed her BF (can't remember her name anymore) took Headline news from way back in the ratings to ahead of MSNBC. $$$$$ They are going to milk this.
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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby Heffay on Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:05 pm

gunsmith wrote:By that I mean American women generally have trouble letting reason prevail over emotion.

Did.... did you really just say that?? Like, written down for people to read and attribute to you, instead of just thinking it in your head and smartly keeping it to yourself?
To the two forum members who have used lines from my posts as their signatures, can't you quote Jesse Ventura or some other great Minnesotan instead of stealing mine? - LePetomane
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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby gunsmith on Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:06 pm

Google it. Smartypants :)
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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby Mn01r6 on Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:39 pm

I googled it and the first result was dog training. I don't know what that says about the veracity of the claim.

Care to cite a source for those with poor google-fu?
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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby gunsmith on Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:59 pm

We know that the defense and prosecution teams have sat around the conference table and 'strateger-ized'

5 whites 1 black, all women on the jury.

Do you think anyone on either side stood up and took the floor and announced to the 'Team' "Six Women on the jury....let's make sure our final arguments stress an appeal to REASON instead of EMOTION."

That would be followed by "Uproarious Laughter" wouldn't it ? :)

Expect the Maximun # of TearJerker moments from the Prosecution and hopfully the Defense is smart enough and ruthless enough to use the same tactics.

Excavate the piece of sidewalk that George's head was smashed on and break open a big Watermellon (filled with blood) on it. (Perry Mason did it)
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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby gunsmith on Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:03 pm

This just in:

http://dailycaller.com/2013/06/24/black ... new-trial/

A prominent African-American legal scholar is criticizing the prosecution’s tactics in the trial of half-Latino neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman
“I think the prosecution clearly believes the all-female jury is not going to be interested in the law or the facts of the case,” Horace Cooper, co-chairman of the conservative Project 21, told The Daily Caller.

“In Sanford, Zimmerman was the one who led the inquiry into the official death of a black homeless man. It turned out that the son of one of the investigators in the case was responsible for the crime. So there’s longstanding animosity from the Sanford Police Department toward Mr. Zimmerman,” Cooper said. “I think the defense is going to put witnesses on the stand that will show there may have been mixed motives.”

Zimmerman criticized the Sanford Police Department at a public forum for allegedly covering up the January 2011 beating of a black homeless man by the son of a white police officer, which resulted in the resignation of then-Sanford police chief Brian Tooley.“I would just like to state that the law is written in black and white. It should not and cannot be enforced in the gray for those who are in the thin blue line,” Zimmerman said at the forum.

The plot is thickening....looks like George would qualify as a .....hate the phrase....."Community Organizer" (he did vote 2x for Obama) He took time away from his family TO SEEK JUSTICE FOR A BLACK HOMELESS MAN.
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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby EllisW on Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:44 pm

Heffay wrote:
gunsmith wrote:By that I mean American women generally have trouble letting reason prevail over emotion.

Did.... did you really just say that?? Like, written down for people to read and attribute to you, instead of just thinking it in your head and smartly keeping it to yourself?

Right wing gun owner says something absurd, racist and/or misogynistic. News at 11. :roll:
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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby gunsmith on Mon Jun 24, 2013 5:07 pm

EllisW wrote:
Heffay wrote:
gunsmith wrote:By that I mean American women generally have trouble letting reason prevail over emotion.

Did.... did you really just say that?? Like, written down for people to read and attribute to you, instead of just thinking it in your head and smartly keeping it to yourself?

Right Left wing gun owner says something absurd, racist and/or misogynistic. News at 11. :roll:

Fixed that for Ya. :)

Actually, I'm shocked, shocked, that anyone would be outfront with a politically incorrect situation like this:

A prominent African-American legal scholar is criticizing the prosecution’s tactics in the trial of half-Latino neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman
“I think the prosecution clearly believes the all-female jury is not going to be interested in the law or the facts of the case,” Horace Cooper, co-chairman of the conservative Project 21, told The Daily Caller.
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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby EastSideRich on Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:03 pm

lose/lose situation.
Either an innocent man goes to prison, or we'll get to see race riots across the country.
It's really a shame that that this had to happen, or rather that the media and race-baiters had to turn it into what they did.

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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby gunsmith on Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:37 pm

My take is that George gets acquitted. and No race riots. That assumes Fat Al keeps his pie hole shut.....Just tuned into Nancy Grace and they're doing NFL like recreation on a stage.

It's going to be ugly but I think we're almost half way through this wave of Gun-Hysteria. It's good that BarryBoy got slapped down on gun control...so that stuff like this doesn't snowball. Could be over in 2 weeks...It's all there on your screen if you want to watch. 2 years from now we'll have plenty of cheap ammo and a second amendment.
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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby Heffay on Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:59 pm

So much name calling! It makes me feel like I'm back in 3rd grade.

I guess that is the real reason this place is called the daycare forum.
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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby gunsmith on Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:02 pm

The trial continues. HLN. In an ugly florescent lit courtroom. In the Hollywood courtroom dramas they have, Oak paneling, Marble columns and dramatic natural light.

The line that struck me yesterday was from the Prosecution opening statement:

Prosecutor John Guy said the evidence does not support a self-defense claim.

“George Zimmerman did not shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to. He shot him for the worst of all reasons – because he wanted to,” he said.

How did Zimmerman keep quiet when hearing that kind of BS..'He shot the thugg because HE WANTED TO" If I were him, I may just have (verbally ) laid into the prosecutor...then of course he'd be eating jail food for the rest of the trial.

The lesson here is that this and worse is going to happen to you if you get the least bit careless even to the point of a 'negligent discharge' in a defensive situation.

Prosecutor John Guy said the evidence does not support a self-defense claim.

“George Zimmerman did not shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to. He shot him for the worst of all reasons – because he wanted to,” he said.

Guy said Zimmerman had used “hate-filled words” during his conversation with Noffke, referring to “punks.”

“These a------- always get away,” he quoted Zimmerman as saying.

He said another call – this one from a neighbor who dialed 911 after hearing a commotion. – would support the prosecution’s charges.

“In the background, you will hear the gunshot that killed Trayvon Martin and you will hear screaming in the background. Listen carefully, please, to that call and listen carefully when the screaming stops. It’s right when the gunshot goes off. Trayvon Martin was silenced immediately when the bullet the defendant fired was shot through his heart,” Guy said.

West, who played the call for the jury, suggested it was Zimmerman yelling for help as he was attacked and said all the witnesses “agree those are the screams of someone in a life-threatening situation.”

“If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times, that Trayvon Martin was unarmed,” West said.

“Trayvon Martin armed himself with a concrete sidewalk and used it to smash George Zimmerman’s head,” he added. “That is a deadly weapon.”

Editor’s note: George Zimmerman has sued NBC Universal for defamation. The company has strongly denied the allegation.

Editor’s note: George Zimmerman has sued NBC Universal for defamation. The company has strongly denied the allegation.
I hope they settle for enough for Zimmerman to buy a small island in the south pacific after this is over.
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Re: Zimmerman Self-Defense Trial off to Acceptable Start :)

Postby Snakeman721 on Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:17 pm

Boy, I don't know. When your defense opens with a knock knock joke that falls flat on it's face? Sidewalk as a deadly weapon? Please! I'd be firing these morons and getting a new defense team!
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