DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

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DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby gunsmith on Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:39 am

Man dies from injuries sustained during downtown Minneapolis mugging.


Adrian Hernandez, 44, of Minneapolis, suffered injuries to his brain from blows to the head about 2:45 a.m. on Aug. 22 near 10th Street and Hennepin Avenue S., according to the Hennepin County medical examiner's office...

Arrested the morning after Hernandez was injured was Vereice D. Washington, 20, of Brooklyn Center. Washington, who police say goes by the nickname "Lil Low," so far has been charged with aggravated robbery and first-degree assault. Hernandez's death could mean additional charges will be filed.

Washington had the victim's cellphone, police said. Washington told authorities that two other men were involved in the attack, police added. A police report noted that two suspects were seen running from the scene.

I wonder if the police found him by remotely locating his cell phone?

Hennepin Ave....good place to avoid.

Looks like the vicitm died even though the perp WAS UN-ARMED...
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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby mnmike59 on Tue Sep 03, 2013 3:20 pm

What is the perps name again?.......Trevon?
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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby kollector03 on Tue Sep 03, 2013 3:59 pm

Minneapolis in general is a good place to avoid at 2:45am.
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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby gunsmith on Tue Sep 03, 2013 4:07 pm

mnmike59 wrote:What is the perps name again?.......Trevon?

Trayvon was a Chile, This one's an adult.

Unarmed Adult.
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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby shooter115 on Tue Sep 03, 2013 4:41 pm

kollector03 wrote:Minneapolis in general is a good place to avoid at 2:45am all costs.

Fixed that for ya ;)
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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby Exjay on Tue Sep 03, 2013 4:57 pm

That's sad. That guy ruined his life over a cell phone. I can't wait till they start puttinh kill switches in all new phones making theft pointless.
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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby Dylan on Tue Sep 03, 2013 5:18 pm

Exjay wrote:That's sad. That guy ruined his life over a cell phone. I can't wait till they start puttinh kill switches in all new phones making theft pointless.

This is indeed sad. What upsets me, other than this innocent man losing his life, is that the man had no idea he was being put in a "give me your phone or else" sort of situation. I believe the perp asked this man if he could use his cell phone and the man said "No" and continued to stumble to wherever he was going. The perp and two others followed him for a few blocks and then one of them punched him and grabbed his phone. Had it been a "give me your phone or else" situation, I would like to believe that this man would still be alive. Truly upsetting.

Trib article: http://www.startribune.com/local/minneapolis/222159581.html
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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby DirtyWord on Tue Sep 03, 2013 5:36 pm

What a shame.....that nobody could have taken care these kind of s-hitstains before this tragedy occurred.
Nice parenting Mr. & Mrs. Washington. Got any more winners in the family?
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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby LePetomane on Tue Sep 03, 2013 6:10 pm

gunsmith wrote:Unarmed Adult.

Of course he was unarmed. He was on parole. Being armed would violate the terms.
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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby gunsmith on Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:25 pm

Dylan wrote: I believe the perp asked this man if he could use his cell phone and the man said "No" and continued to stumble to wherever he was going. The perp and two others followed him for a few blocks and then one of them punched him and grabbed his phone. Had it been a "give me your phone or else" situation, I would like to believe that this man would still be alive. Truly upsetting.

A single punch to the face ultimately proved fatal to an intoxicated 44-year-old man on Hennepin Avenue in downtown Minneapolis who had his cellphone stolen from his pocket as he lay unconscious and bleeding, according to charges against one of the suspects.

Adrian Hernandez, 44, of Minneapolis, suffered injuries to his brain about 2:45 a.m. on Aug. 22 near 10th Street and Hennepin Avenue S., according to the Hennepin County medical examiner’s office.

I started this thread with the concern for this type of STRANGER ASSAULT THAT GOES DEADLY IN AN INSTANT


concerning 'warning shots' and 'suppressive fire' Both practices are considered Heresy but you have to think...how quickly can this 'confrontation' go deadly for myself...and what if the threshold for firing off a shot were lowered.

I subscribe to the conventional wisdom that 'you shoot to stop the threat'

But you have to do the 'WHAT IF" What if....the Dead Man had been quick to fire a forbidden 'WARNING SHOT' Would he be alive? would the 3 thugs still have a chance to avoid life in prison?

I'm not changing my outlook / behavior other than to continually raise my awareness / avoidance behavior in public.

It's a dangerous world.

ETA I think a widespread practice of throwing 'Warning Shots' around is a colossally bad idea and would lead to a clampdown on carry rights. It would be the 'Wild West Shootouts' that the DFL Goofball Wes Skoglund was predicting...
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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby 45Badger on Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:38 pm

Warning shots are silly and stupid. So is stumbling around drunk in public. At 2:45am. While that should not lead to one's death, this is a case of stupidity intersecting with violence. Both entirely avoidable.

If only "Lili Low's" momma or sperm donor had been using birth control............
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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby CraigJS on Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:01 am

Or just flushed him down the loo..
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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby Squib Joe on Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:33 am

Well, that escalated quickly. Good job court system.


- Ramsey Juvenile

Delinquency Felony (Age 16 and Older)

Theft-Take/Drive Motor Vehicle-No Owner Consent

Hennepin Criminal/Traffic/Petty Southdale

Crim/Traf Mandatory
Under Court Jurisdiction


Ramsey Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown
Warner, Teresa R.

Crim/Traf Mandatory
Under Court Jurisdiction

Domestic Assault-GM-Subsequent Violation


Hennepin Criminal/Traffic/Petty Brookdale

Crim/Traf Mandatory
Under Court Jurisdiction

Trespass-return to property of another within one year after being told to leave the property and no


Hennepin Criminal/Traffic/Petty Brookdale

Crim/Traf Mandatory
Under Court Jurisdiction

Theft-Take/Use/Transfer movable property without consent

Hennepin Criminal/Traffic/Petty Downtown

Crim/Traf Mandatory
Under Court Jurisdiction

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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby gunsmith on Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:25 am

Those are the ones he got caught for....multiply by TEN to get a realistic number :shock:
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Re: DT MPLS Mugging vic Dies from Brain Injuries} 20 yr old Thug

Postby gunsmith on Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:54 am

While Gingrich was speaker of the House, I recall an interview and I don't know if it was in relation to the breakdown of the Black family but he proposed:




The left's devotion to 'reproductive rights' and Civil Rights gave these proposals no chance of a fair hearing.

But Verice Deshaun Washington and a Hundred Thousand like him would have been better off raised in an Orphanage and locked into a Reform School at the first sign of trouble.

Read the 'Reports from the 4th' each week....the 'Crime Wave' in North Minneapolis is with the 13-17 year old males. Dad is gone...but half of these kids don't even have ONE PARENT...and you often hear about the Thug being raised by Grandma.

The future of the Cities are bleak...

Over in St. Paul where Ray Widstrand was beaten into a Vegetative State they're playing with 'The Blue Wave' a saturation of police patrols:

'Operation Blue Wave' Helps Cut Crime in St. Paul

A recent rash of crime on St. Paul's East Side lead police to beef up their presence there.

Police moved an extra 20 officers to the East Side, calling it "Operation Blue Wave." Those extra officers came from the Central and Western Districts.

The idea was to expand police presence on the streets and combat gang violence with more manpower and communication in the neighborhoods. The areas most affected are Dayton's Bluff, Greater East Side and Payne-Phalen neighborhoods.

We checked and total crimes from July 18 through Aug. 11 for those neighborhoods were 676. From Aug. 11, the date "Operation Blue Wave" started, through Sep. 3, total crimes were just 423.

The push has been successful enough that St. Paul Police will keep it in place until at least mid-October. Police say the other parts of the city have not been left unprotected even though more resources have been placed on the East Side.

A spokesperson for St. Paul Police says there is a chance they could revisit "Operation Blue Wave" again next spring. There has not been a significant cost; St. Paul Police say this has all been accomplished with 80 percent straight time and about 20 percent overtime.

Hats off to the cops who are assigned this task....but after I saw another one of those On-Street Press Conferences in North Minneapolis with the Chief, Mayor and the Mad Dads...I realized that nobody cares about these people...the Politicians want to keep it to a low boil.

(But they can't when they're getting 3 and 5 year old 'Keeads' getting shot in the brain in their living rooms by stray bullets.)

The sad truth here is that the 'people of North Minneapolis' and the Lib Politicians won't do what is necessary and that is to :

A) Relentlessly Roust the Street Thugs.
B) Charge / sentence them to the Maximum Jail time
C) Warehouse them in prisons for decades.

To paraphrase Saint Jesse Jackson: 'Jail-Care not Day-Care' :o :o :o

If North Minneapolis were to take this "Ass-In-The-Frying-Pan" approach to crime....

All you would hear about is 'Racial Profiling' Bla, Bla, Bla....

so the result is you have the FruitCake Mayor RT Ryback talking about 'Green Houses for North Minneapolis' (WTF ????) instead of being able to run on 'Law and Order' and protecting the vulnerable families of North Minneapolis from the Predators.
Last edited by gunsmith on Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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