by yukonjasper on Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:40 pm
IMO Although very subtle and very insideous, I think you may be on to something. Whereas the Constitution preserves the right to bear arms through the Second Amendment, the loophole is the ammunition that goes into that "arm". If you can't ban the gun ban the bullets. an obvious overstatement because they aren't banning anything, but they can increase the costs and decrease the effectiveness as to make the approach to the sport very unappealing to upcoming generations. Strangle it into obscurity with regulation and "taxes". Already the numbers of hunters is down in many areas.
The slow, incremental approach taken by those opposed to hunting in general and firearm hunting in particular is at work here. I am not sure that all "participants" are fully aware nor are they necessarily in favor of the intended outcome, but however unwitting they may be, the direction appears to be as Bensdad has indicated. To Oldman's point, lLayers upon layers of telling the story of the damage that Lead produces - whether real or not - convinces people of the danger - even well meaning and intelligent people who wouldn't consider themselves part of an environmental PETA type organizations. The "facts" are presented in such a way as to illicit the obvious emotional reaction which supports the main goal - stopping the agreed upon target activity. By loosly linking cause and effect - understanding that very few have the time, resources or inclinaion to research on their own - you can lead people where you want them without looking extreme or unreasonable. By couching your arguments in sincere concern for "defenseless" creatures, you can make your opposition appear crazed, wreckless, dangerous and irresponsible.
We have seen it with most of the current list of social engineering attempts - most obvious and purvasive is Global Warming. I think this is a slow march to limit if not end the use of firearms. I'm not entirely sure I'm overreacting here, but it doesn't feel like there is much you can do to stop it, which proves my point.
Deo Adjuvante Non Timendum - (with the help of God there is nothing to be afraid of)
Spectamur Agendo - (We are proven by our actions)
Non Ducor, Duco - (I am not led, I lead)
NRA Life Member