Hi from the North Metro area

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Hi from the North Metro area

Postby Lil' Bit on Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:12 am

Hi Everyone. First learned to shoot when I turned 18, had a cousin with many guns, so got to experience a wide range of firearms and even some tactics. Trained for law enforcement, started out in the field but left it long long ago. Bought my handgun, a .9mm HK back in college, still have it, love it. Also about to go on a trip with friends, meeting to fire a bunch of different guns. I'll be bringing a Mauser, Mossburg, Lee Enfield, .22 rifle (forget what it is), .30-.30 Winchester, my .9.... other friends bringing .357, M-4, various .9's, bunch of other stuff. Gonna be fun!

Unfortunately, last went to a range several years ago, so glad to be getting back into it again in style. :D

These forums look to be a good resource, look forward to joining in.

BTW does anyone know any place in the north metro where .8mm or .303 brit can be located (hopefully for a decent price?) Found some at Capra's but looking for more.
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Re: Hi from the North Metro area

Postby Lil' Bit on Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:40 pm

Wow 40 views and not a single "Hello, How D'ya do!"

I've lived in this state since I was 10 and see it's still as standoffish as ever. ;-)

I'm tempted to go back to IL where I'm from where guns are outlawed but at least people are friendly! ;-)
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Re: Hi from the North Metro area

Postby Mn01r6 on Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:50 am

Apologies. I didn't post because I had no clue where to point you on your ammo questions. But welcome to the forum!
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Re: Hi from the North Metro area

Postby OldmanFCSA on Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:30 am

Same here.

But I can reload 303 now and used to reload 8mm Mauser by cutting down 30-06 brass. 303 brass must have boxer primer.

Welcome to Forum , but can't help with original question. The response, or lack of, was due to your question. I feel you owe everyone an apology for your second posting, or a notification of when you get back to Illinois.

FYI - I teach reloading.
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Re: Hi from the North Metro area

Postby FJ540 on Tue Oct 01, 2013 4:26 am

I think it's been 2+ years since I looked in this section of the forum. Not too many people cruise the intros. You'll probably get a better response down in ammo.

Welcome from another IL ex-pat, and Fridley dweller. My dad got us out of that dive of a state as soon as he was able. I can't imagine moving back now.
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Re: Hi from the North Metro area

Postby Thunderjohn on Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:38 am

Welcome from Savage.
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