"Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby gunsmith on Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:54 pm

yukonjasper wrote:you care because you and I have to live in this society. I carry a fire arm but I avoid any sorts of situations where it might be necessary to use it. What this trend is telling me is that I'm may be targeted and that I have a higher likelihood of having to do so with the sociopaths running wild on the streets and randomly assaulting people. I don't want any part of that and I'd perfer to work to solve the problem at its core than deal with the fall out of the mistake.

Respectfully, That's spitting in the Ocean. We're breeding these little Frankensteins as fast as possible.

We need to 'Declare Defeat' in the War on Poverty and raise these Rug Rats in Discipline Academies. If they fail after that we can build the worlds finest Penal Colonies and they can live in a "Parallel Society" that keep us (and them) 'Safe'

There's a statue of Hubert H. Humphrey in front of City Hall....I'd like to ad a plaque to the front that says:


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Re: Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby PHATSPEED7x on Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:53 pm

Makarov wrote:Why is this NOT being reported as racial violence???

Because that would be racist. You can't even say *censored* on the internet these days...

"When I was in the 3rd grade... I thought I was black. Because I couldn't swim. Destine for a life of fly clothes and golden rims. Told the new to my mom with pride in my chest. She said Rucka you've never been arrested or failed a drug test. You crazy"

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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby gunsmith on Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:56 pm

Al Sharpton weighed in on 'The Knock-Out Game' yesterday. My new cable package gives me Fox but not MSNBC or HNN...I used to enjoy tuning in to those channels just to see how badly they got something wrong and have a good laugh....That pleasure will now cost me another $35 a month...I'll Pass.

I'm still waiting to hear "Black Racist Violence" as a description of these Knock Out Assaults...Hannity is the loudest voice on that note and O'Rielly is a distant and moderated second. My guess is that this trend will have fizzeled by the time it warms up and will fade into the background.


A St. Louis woman was slugged in the face this week in the latest local “knock-out game” attack.
Via Facebook:

Ashley Depew, is the younger sister who I taught at my dance studio. She was a victim of the “one Punch Knockdown,” a game that teenagers are now doing, this was done in STL a couple nights ago. Please Pray for a quick recovery as she is going under reconstruction surgery.

These groups of teenagers will punch out anybody, then scatter to run. please don’t be a victim and always be aware of your surroundings!

There have been several “knock-out game” attacks in St. Louis by black youths since 2011. One retired Vietnamese man was murdered in an attack. St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay was the first one on the scene at another bloody attack in South St. Louis City.

One local teen told St. Louis Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce in 2011 that he participated in over 300 “knockout game” attacks in the city.

Yesterday a RETIRED NYPD detective said on CNN "when you see a group of black kids approaching you...cross the street" The CNN Anchor-ette promptly developed a bunch in her undies.

That of course would be 'Racial Profiling' and that's just not fair.

http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crim ... 5ff1f.html

Story about St. Louis man who died in the 'Knock Out Game'


ST. LOUIS • The diminutive woman stood in court, wearing an American flag pin on the lapel of her black jacket and speaking of both heartbreak and opportunity.

Yen Nguyen, 62, came to this country with her husband. Now she is alone.

A so-called “game” in which teens sucker-punch people for fun is the reason Hoang Nguyen, 72, is dead, prosecutors say.

And on Thursday, as Elex Murphy — the young man convicted of playing that deadly “game” — was sentenced to 55 years in prison, Yen Nguyen had a chance to speak about what losing her husband has meant for her life in America.

“After the death of my husband, I lived in this lovely country but I feel very lonely,” she said, through a translator. “When we came here, we came here as a couple.”

Hoang Nguyen was a teacher in Vietnam but retired upon coming to America and studied English at the International Institute. Yen Nguyen worked for a sewing company, as she still does.

They had been here only three years when the attack took place on April 16, 2011, killing him and injuring her. The couple had been walking home to their apartment at Chippewa and Spring streets from a grocery.

The flag pin Yen Nguyen wore Thursday was symbolic, not just because this was her chance to see justice in court. Since the trial last month, she has gained U.S. citizenship. Friends urged her to do so after her husband’s death.

“My family is destroyed,” Yen Nguyen said, continuing her statement in court. “But I believe this country is a country of freedom. Even though I am very lonely I will try to live, I will try to work hard.”

Last month, a jury found Murphy, 20, guilty of second-degree murder and first-degree assault, plus two counts of armed criminal action.

Prosecutors had asked for first-degree murder, saying Murphy showed deliberation when he broke away from a group of friends and grabbed Hoang Nguyen by his shirt, then coldly held his chin, cocked back his own fist and delivered a punch strong enough to knock the man to the ground.

He then hit Yen Nguyen in the eye, knocking her glasses from her face, prosecutors say. Yen Nguyen identified Murphy to police and in court.

Murphy’s public defender, Annette Llewellyn, disputed that identification and maintained on Thursday that authorities prosecuted the wrong man.

At sentencing, she asked Circuit Court Judge Thomas Frawley to consider that the “knockout game” had been played for years by countless teens before the deadly instance involving the Nguyens. She also pointed out that Murphy had been under the protection of the state Department of Social Services all through his teenage years.

Elex Murphy age 20: About to begin 55 years of 'Jail Food' and become an Expert in License Plate Fabrication...and become a contributing member of society. No word on the number of Baby-Momma's left behind.

But this guy's 55 year sentence is the only thing RIGHT about this story....Elex Murphy will likely die before he's amongst the population again...he might as well be in a 'PENAL COLONY' a wise judge has decided that it's best that he be separated from society for 55 years.

At sentencing his public defender stated:

She also pointed out that Murphy had been under the protection of the state Department of Social Services all through his teenage years.

This makes my point....if he had been put in an 'Orphanage' or a 'Disicipline Academy' / "Reform School" he would likely been saved from this terrible fate and lived his life in freedom and creativity.

I want to blame Liberal Politicians (pick any one of them from RT Ryback to Amy Klobuchar)

I' just want to 'Connect The Dots' here....

Dead Vietnamese man....
....Thug who was in the custody of Social Services all his teen years...
....55 years in Prison for the Thug.

That approaches a just punishment for the Thug....

But my theory is that this could have been prevented if Elex Murphy had been taken away from drug addict Momma and put into an orphange and given guidance and discipline.

Last edited by gunsmith on Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby gunsmith on Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:10 pm

http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/05/02/kn ... is-attack/

Fox News Website has a different account of the sentence...'Life plus 25 years'

ST. LOUIS – A St. Louis man was sentenced to life in prison plus 25 years Thursday for killing a Vietnamese immigrant as part of a so-called "knockout game" attack.

Elex Murphy, now 20, was convicted last month of second-degree murder and first-degree assault in the April 2011 killing of Hoang Nguyen, 72.

Nguyen was walking home with his wife from a trip to a store when he was attacked by a four teenagers. Three other people were reported to be with Murphy that day, but no one else was charged in the case.

This kind of harsh sentence is required to get the attention of these Degenerate Thugs.
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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby gunsmith on Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:18 pm

This is good: Slate.com :

Sorry, Right-Wing Media: The "Knockout Game" Trend Is a Myth.

http://www.slate.com/blogs/weigel/2013/ ... burger_bar
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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby gunsmith on Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:35 pm

Woo-Hoo. I like this woman:


Her name is 'Lovelyti' and could be a 'Black conservative'

She speaks the Ebonics Dialect but is educated and concerned...worth a watch...The world needs more of her common sense.

She's a hip black woman talking to blacks saying "Yooze Krazee"

Learned me a new word "HoodBooger"
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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby thunderoussilence on Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:45 pm

What if mom or sis or Gma were a victim ? Would a laughing punk still be laughing ? That is to sad no compassion, consideration.
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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby gunsmith on Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:02 pm

thunderoussilence wrote:What if mom or sis or Gma were a victim ? Would a laughing punk still be laughing ? That is to sad no compassion, consideration.

Take a look at Lovely - Tee's video channel....it's refreshing....It shows you something that's missing from Black Socialist Culture is 'self-criticism'

I find the Black Conservatives refreshing...and they have a tough time...NO support from other blacks or the left...Fox has a few conservative blacks and I like the way they're paired w/ "Lib- Blacks' and they routinely DEMOLISH THEM...

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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby gunsmith on Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:50 am

This guy Elex Murphy, who will spend the next 55 years in a 'Penal Colony' or maybe it's 'Life inprisonment plus 25 years' is bringing my thinking full circle.


He now has my sympathy (similar to how a Liberal ---Hubert Humphery--would react)

He should have been 'RESCUED' from his skank-mother's welfare crib and put in a dorm in an orphange and given guidance and discipline.

I'm looking at his mug shot and I feel sorry for this thug....his gift of life has been squandered....by his momma / sperm donor daddy / slimy Lib politicians.

To late to do anything now....I hesitate to go here but the Christians among us can reach out to him and save his soul but his 'Life' is gone. He could in a decade or two 'turn his life around' but that life will be lived in a parallel society where we keep the baby rapers / murderers / mommy rapers.

Again if there's anyone I want to hang up and Bullwhip it's the Liberal Politicians...it is they who have betrayed this guy.

We're funding the 'homes' where these guys are spawned...with the 'Guilded Socialism' of welfare. My solution would be a bucket of Ice Water...

Sieze the fatherless Rug-Rats,

Force them into 'Structured Living' (orphanages) with reward and punishment

if that fails they're off to Discipline oriented 'Reform School' with barbed wire fences.

I'm looking at Elex Murphy's mug shot and feeling sorry for the guy...You've been screwed kid.

There's all this huffing and puffing about how horrible the 'Knock out' assault / murders are...but it's still to volatile to mention a simple and to me obvious cure:

A) Declare the 'Black Family' dead

B) Seize the misbegotten children of neglect

C) Attempt to civilize them in Structured Living Institutions (Orphanages)

D) if that fails they go behind barbed-wire fences in 'Discipline Academies' (Reform School)

E) as adults they will simply be isolated in 'Penal Colonies' to keep them safe and the rest of society.

But realistically ...we're not going to solve this problem...as a society we're just going to complain about it.

So....is that plan above a creation of a Left-Wing or a Right Wing Dictator...How do they do it in Red China? or Saudi Arabia? or Pakistan?

Rant over. :) Happy Thanksgiving.
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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby Snakeman721 on Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:54 pm

I would suggest that if a small group of "youths" are approching you, be they black, white, Asian or whatever...and one of them has a camera phone pointed in your direction....RED ALERT!!....you may very well be the next U-Tube celebrity.
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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby rottenit on Thu Nov 28, 2013 3:36 pm

Snakeman721 wrote:I would suggest that if a small group of "youths" are approching you, be they black, white, Asian or whatever...and one of them has a camera phone pointed in your direction....RED ALERT!!....you may very well be the next U-Tube celebrity.

So in MN what would be your best option (if you are carrying) run?
m going to make some founding fathers quote up so it furthers a cause I believe in...

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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby Snakeman721 on Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:59 am

If someone has their camera phone out and is ACTIVELY filming you, you are (probably) being set up for something not so nice to happen in the next few seconds. I supppose you could run....they might give chase though. You could reach and get a firm grip on your carry piece without actually drawing it (or draw it from your holster and immediately put it in your pocket with your hand still holding on to it) to be as ready as you can without actually flashing your gun.
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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby ninjedi on Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:18 am

93 Year Old Kills “Knock-Out Game” Thug
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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby gunsmith on Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:41 am


Here's her picture.
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Re: "Knock-Out Game" player shot in Michigan

Postby captnviper on Wed Dec 11, 2013 4:20 pm

ninjedi wrote:93 Year Old Kills “Knock-Out Game” Thug

That looked like a made up story. I mean 93 year old punched falls to the ground then stomped still able to pull a gun from her purse and shoot's the assailant in the head.
http://fox2now.com/2013/11/26/story-on- ... t-is-hoax/
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