Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

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Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby gunsmith on Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:27 am ... -new-york/

Mods: The whole letter is reproduced below...I don't think it has the same copyright problems that a journalistic piece would....If it is a problem....just chop out the middle. The link above goes to the whole story....Ordinarily I'd use the quote feature and do a few paragraphs.

Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo: Are We Welcome in New York?

Glenn Beck is the CEO & Founder of Mercury Radio Arts. Beck is one of America's leading radio and television personalities, and author of #1 New York Times bestsellers in both fiction and non-fiction. The Glenn Beck Program is syndicated by Premiere Radio Networks and is the third highest-rated national radio talk show among adults ages 25 to 54. Glenn is married with four kids.


Dear Gov. Cuomo:

In light of your comments this past Friday, in which you declared that those “…extremist conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay” have no place in the state of New York, we would humbly request a written explanation as to whether or not we are welcome to do business in this state. For many of our employees are pro-life and believe strongly in the Second Amendment. All of us will stand with any group being discriminated against.

But if we are not welcome, we will leave.

To give you some background on who we are and what we believe, Mercury Radio Arts and TheBlaze Inc. is a multimedia news, opinion and entertainment company, dedicated to delivering high-quality programming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Through our Mercury One non-profit organization, we have also raised and given away for emergency relief over $14 million since its inception.

We were the first responders to Coney Island during Superstorm Sandy, not the federal government and not the state government, but Mercury One. We are good neighbors. We employ approximately 200 people in the State of New York and well over 300 people nationally from Washington D.C. to Dallas, Texas.

MercuryOne employees were among the first to respond and provide aid in Coney Island following Superstorm Sandy in

Our television content is broadcast to millions of people across America, including to New Yorkers through Dish Network and Cablevision.

Our internet content is seen by over 24 million unique visitors a month across the world.

Our radio content is carried on 400 stations and heard by millions across the nation daily.

Under the leadership and vision of our executives, one of whom incidentally was previously the Chief Executive Officer of the Huffington Post, our employees earn and are provided with the highest quality health care money can buy, regardless of its rapidly-increasing cost.

We are fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, entrepreneurs, dreamers, visionaries, hard-workers, straight, gay, black, white, believers, non-believers, liberals and conservatives. More importantly than any one of these labels, we are decent and kind human beings, and upstanding, loyal and patriotic Americans.

We are principled in the content we provide, and we work under a simple ethos: We tell the stories of love and courage where the good guys win.

We will stand with those with whom we may often disagree, like GLAAD, when they defend Russian citizens against hetero-fascists who argue that gays should be thrown in the ovens.

We will stand with a Hispanic actress who is compelled to resign from a performance because she happens to endorse a conservative candidate and we will stand with an MSNBC host who makes a mistake in a segment on race.

We think it was wrong when President Franklin D. Roosevelt interned Japanese Americans, and when our government mistreated Native Americans, such as during the massacre at Wounded Knee. For Manifest Destiny is wrong now and it was wrong then.

Why do we take these positions that at times do not comport with your notion of “extreme conservatives?”

We do so because we don’t believe people are parties.
We don’t see things as left and right. We see things as right and wrong.

We don’t see things as left and right. We see things as right and wrong.

And we believe that the only moral position is to stand up to bullies and fascists of all kinds. We believe in equal rights for all and special privileges for none. We believe it’s our duty to dedicate our life and sacred honor to all American citizens, and every last one of us deserves and has a right, not from our government, but from our Creator, to be heard.

If the majority tramples on the rights of the minority we all lose.

And the most important minority is the individual – whether he or she be an “extreme conservative” or an “extreme progressive.”

The fundamental basis on which our country was built was on robust free speech. The very first right that the Founders of this nation enshrined in our Bill of Rights was freedom of speech because we created this country to escape the yoke of tyranny. When freedom of speech is chilled, we cannot openly express our ideas, and without competing ideas there can be only tyranny.

If a man cannot be free in his thoughts, can a man be free?

If a nation cannot tolerate all thoughts, can a nation be free? Is not our very strength as a country measured on its ability to tolerate and encourage all ideas?

Do we not all lose something when any one of us is excommunicated from society for our deep-seated opinions and beliefs?

So Gov. Cuomo, we must ask in light of your comments, would you build a tyranny here in New York? Would you stand against your constituents and blot them out into the darkness merely because you disagree with them, or because it serves you or your party politically? Would disenfranchised peoples have ever gained their freedoms in this country were it not for the right to free speech, and the pluralistic and truly diverse society that free speech facilitates?

Our organization creates jobs for hundreds of people in your state, and provides news, opinion, entertainment and a helping hand for millions of people across this country. Are our contributions, tax dollars, and genuine goodness as citizens not welcome here?

We respectfully request an answer on whether there are two classes of citizens.

But Gov. Cuomo, it’s not us that you should worry about, because as we have seen, every time this kind of speech is taken up by those in power, eventually history demands an answer.


Glenn Beck
Founder and President of Mercury Radio Arts and TheBlaze Inc.
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Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby LePetomane on Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:15 am

Gunsmith, Thanks. It looks like Cuomo is taking up where his dad left off. Another "public servant" who couldn't get a job in the private sector.
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Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby Sietch on Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:40 pm

LePetomane wrote:Another "public servant" who couldn't get a job in the private sector.
Heh. Ain't that the truth. There are some Republican losers, but no real work experience is like a club patch among Dem governors.
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Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby LePetomane on Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:53 pm

Sietch wrote:
LePetomane wrote:Another "public servant" who couldn't get a job in the private sector.
Heh. Ain't that the truth. There are some Republican losers, but no real work experience is like a club patch among Dem governors.

The term, "public servant" means that the public serves them. Very few of them have ever worked in the private sector unless they take a token position in the family business. Then they are paid to do nothing as they would be an embarrassment to the family. At some time they enter a rebellious phase and become a stain on the family reputation so they enter politics at a local level and work their way up. Sound familiar?
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Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby gunsmith on Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:00 pm

you really have to HEAR Coumo speak...he's a hateful demagogue...he's got a touch of Anthony Weiner in him.

The Spitefulness on the outside hints that there maybe something Kinky on the inside....In England the politicians like to be Tied-Up in Women's Underware and spanked....

I wonder what these two think about when nobody's watching....

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Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby LePetomane on Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:46 pm

gunsmith wrote:you really have to HEAR Coumo speak...he's a hateful demagogue.

Most liberals are hateful, miserable people. And Bloomberg has a complex about being a short man.
Last edited by LePetomane on Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby MWAG on Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:30 pm

LePetomane wrote:Gunsmith, Thanks. It looks like Cuomo is taking up where his dad left off. Another "public servant" who couldn't get a job in the private sector.

Odd, sounds much like a Governor closer to home
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Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby CarryCauseICan on Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:04 pm

"Noooooo buddy Neeeeeeds Ten Wrounds to kill A Deeeeeerwa" :lol:
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Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby Lumpy on Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:00 am

I don't know if one's cause and the other's effect (or maybe they feedback to each other), but have you noticed that the localities that most restrict guns tend to have the most autocratic officials? Someone on another board was asking why in a representative democracy the people would ever need an insurrectionary power, and I pointed to Cuomo as exhibit #1.
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Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby gunsmith on Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:46 am

Again, thanks to out-state Dems for saving our Bacon. In NY State they're completely drowned out by the Millions in Manhattan.
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Re: Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby LePetomane on Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:20 pm

MWAG wrote:
LePetomane wrote:Gunsmith, Thanks. It looks like Cuomo is taking up where his dad left off. Another "public servant" who couldn't get a job in the private sector.

Odd, sounds much like a Governor closer to home

Dayton's parents were very successful in the private sector. The Cooooomo clan has always been in politics.
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Re: Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby MWAG on Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:37 pm

LePetomane wrote:Dayton's parents were very successful in the private sector. The Cooooomo clan has always been in politics.

While very true, I was referring to Gov. Prozac in and of himself. He was a school teacher for what, a year?

He reminds me of another Governor, without the sexual libedo, that shares your namesake.

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Re: Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby LePetomane on Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:49 pm

MWAG wrote:
LePetomane wrote:Dayton's parents were very successful in the private sector. The Cooooomo clan has always been in politics.

While very true, I was referring to Gov. Prozac in and of himself. He was a school teacher for what, a year?

He reminds me of another Governor, without the sexual libedo, that shares your namesake.



Governor Prozac is not in the same league as Governor LePetomane. I would rather have LePetomane as he was in Blazing Saddles in St. Paul than the guy we have now. We would be much better off than we are now. The guy we have now is a miserable self loathing mean person while LePetomane would be better and more entertaining.
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Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby damian_mb on Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:32 pm

i look at it this way. What if TX and other red state says this about liberals who are pro abortion, big government etc that they do not belong in their states...The media would blow this sooo big and out of proportion that an apology is needed. When Liberals pull of stunts like this, nothing but crickets. :roll:

I already feel bad for those red states where liberals are congregating to, they are going to bring their BS liberal minds and turn these red states to blue states. Already it's happening in Dallas and Houston
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Re: Glenn Beck’s Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo

Postby MaryB on Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:05 pm

Dayton is living life off daddy's money and he hasn't done anything to earn it or prove he is worthy of deciding what the rest of us do. Far as I am concerned he is a spoiled rich brat like some I had to deal with in school. Though they knew it all because daddy was rich when they were total jokes at anything practical and common sense.
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