Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

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Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby Bearcatrp on Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:25 am

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/mor ... ec572cb082
Looks like Florida dropped the ball if this story is accurate. Looses both adoptive parents, kicked out of school, in mental health treatment but quits going. Only a retard would blame this on guns alone! Not sure about florida but in Minnesota you have to be 21 to own a semi auto firearm, correct?
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Re: Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby Ghost on Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:35 am

Don’t forget the FBI was warned


The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting Threat From A YouTube User Named Nikolas Cruz In September

In September, a YouTube user named Nikolas Cruz left a comment on a video stating: "I'm going to be a professional school shooter." The video's creator alerted both the FBI and YouTube.

Last fall, a Mississippi bail bondsman and frequent YouTube vlogger noticed an alarming comment left on one of his videos. "I'm going to be a professional school shooter," said a user named Nikolas Cruz.

The YouTuber, 36-year-old Ben Bennight, alerted the FBI, emailing a screenshot of the comment to the bureau's tips account. He also flagged the comment to YouTube, which removed it from the video.

Agents with the bureau's Mississippi field office got back to him "immediately," Bennight said, and conducted an in-person interview the following day, on Sept. 25.

"They came to my office the next morning and asked me if I knew anything about the person," Bennight told BuzzFeed News. "I didn't. They took a copy of the screenshot and that was the last I heard from them."

FBI agents contacted Bennight again Wednesday, after a 19-year-old named Nikolas Cruz allegedly opened fire at a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in south Florida, killing at least 17 people.


Though his name matches the YouTube user flagged in September, FBI officials would not say whether they have confirmed that the account belonged to Cruz.

But around 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday — about 30 minutes after Cruz was taken into custody by police in Broward County — Special Agent Ryan Furr with the FBI's Miami field office called Bennight and left him a voicemail.

"I think we spoke with you in the past about a complaint that you made about someone making a comment on your YouTube channel," the agent, Ryan Furr, said in the message, which Bennight provided to BuzzFeed News. "I just wanted to follow up with you on that and ask you a question with something that's come up, if you wouldn't mind giving me a ring"

A few hours later, Bennight said FBI agents in Mississippi visited him again in person, pressing for more information about the YouTube user Nikolas Cruz.

"They asked me if I knew who he was, I didn't. I don't," Bennight said. "Then they left." BuzzFeed
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Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby INOR on Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:41 am

Awful story. Was watching coverage last night and did seem like the warning signs were there on this guy, but I hadn’t heard about the warning to the FBI. That sucks, because someone clearly did the right thing and spoke up. Also was wondering if someone his age can legally purchase/own a AR in Florida or where he got it. I guess we will find out eventually.

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Re: Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby Ghost on Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:53 am

Need to be 18 in Florida to own/purchase according to this

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Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby INOR on Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:54 am

Thanks. I did see another article just now that said that he had purchased it legally and passed the background check.

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Re: Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby Bearcatrp on Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:13 am

How could he pass a background check while being seen for mental health issues? If he got the rifle before going in for treatment, Florida should have removed those firearms from him until he completed the treatment. The state of FLORIDA is at fault here, plain and simple. Florida failed to do its job. Am hoping the NRA comes down hard on Florida when the idiots screaming gun control start spewing there BS!
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Re: Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby Holland&Holland on Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:35 am

Bearcatrp wrote:in Minnesota you have to be 21 to own a semi auto firearm, correct?


In MN you can own long guns including Semi-auto rifles, including what MN classifies as a Military Style Assault weapon.

Remember, to purchase such an item from a licensed dealer one needs a permit to purchase in MN so while if one is over 21 and is not ineligible to own is quite easy to get. If one is over 18 but not 21 it takes a bit more education of the law enforcement in your jurisdiction and that is not always successful, but by law you would be able to obtain a permit to purchase (limited to military style assault weapons) and do so.
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Re: Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby MJY65 on Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:47 am

Bearcatrp wrote:How could he pass a background check while being seen for mental health issues?

Seeking voluntary treatment doesn't disqualify you. It requires an adjudicated commitment to a facility.
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Re: Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby Ghost on Thu Feb 15, 2018 11:38 am

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Re: Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby Ghost on Thu Feb 15, 2018 11:41 am

Barack Obama

Twitter › BarackObama
We are grieving with Parkland. But we are not powerless. Caring for our kids is our first job. And until we can honestly say that we're doing enough to keep them safe from harm, including long overdue, common-sense gun safety laws that most Americans want, then we have to change.
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Re: Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby gbono23 on Thu Feb 15, 2018 11:53 am

Twitter › BarackObama
We are grieving with Parkland. But we are not powerless. Caring for our kids is our first job. And until we can honestly say that we're doing enough to keep them safe from harm, including long overdue, common-sense gun safety laws that most Americans want, then we have to change.

I'd love to see the source for the statement "common-sense gun safety laws that most Americans want", and the nature of those common-sense laws.
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Re: Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby BigBlue on Thu Feb 15, 2018 12:18 pm

Keep pointing out to anyone who spouts the "need more gun control" line that we need to change the mindset and behavior of the people committing the evil act. That is the root of the problem. Only by resolving the issues that lead people to do these things will they end. People who care so hard and "want something done" must be switched over to pursuing the behavior, not the tool.

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Re: Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby Holland&Holland on Thu Feb 15, 2018 12:23 pm

Never let a tragedy go to waste for your political agenda. At least he waited one day....
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Re: Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby win_fcs on Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:12 pm

BigBlue wrote:Keep pointing out to anyone who spouts the "need more gun control" line that we need to change the mindset and behavior of the people committing the evil act. That is the root of the problem. Only by resolving the issues that lead people to do these things will they end. People who care so hard and "want something done" must be switched over to pursuing the behavior, not the tool.


What I heard is that he quit going to counseling before he bought the AR. Also, there is no method (db)?? for a Dr to report an unstable person. As far as Social Media, wouln't that be monitoring our free speech?. Not sure how that would fly. Do we need the gov to watching our FB posts???
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Re: Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and

Postby Ghost on Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:22 pm

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says her interest in gun violence prevention is so great that she prioritizes legislative action on it over one of her top goals — taking back control of the House in the 2018 midterm elections.

“I would rather pass gun safety legislation than win the election,” the California Democrat said Thursday.

Pelosi said she doesn’t want to wait until January, when Democrats hope to be in control of the House again, to act on gun violence.

“I don’t want to wait that long,” she said. “We could have a select committee right now.”

“We could write on this appropriations bill that is due toward the end of March” a provision lifting prohibitions on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention research on gun violence, Pelosi added, referring to spending legislation needed once the stopgap measure funding the government expires on March 23. “And we could bring up the background check legislation, which is bipartisan.”

Those three potential actions are familiar Democratic requests in the wake of mass shooting tragedies like the one Wednesday at a Florida high school that resulted in 17 deaths.

“We’ll be continuing to meet on this subject to try to respond,” Pelosi said, but noted Demorats also want to try to prevent, rather than just respond to, gun violence.

Pelosi referenced Democrats’ sit-in on the House floor a year and a half ago, saying Republicans’ only reaction was to investigate which Democratic members used Periscope or Facebook to broadcast the protest (which was against House rules).

“That was their response to gun violence at the time,” she said.

The minority leader said she hopes Republicans will do more than offer a moment of silence for the victims of the Florida high school shooting but she didn’t sound optimistic that they would, given the GOP’s past inaction.

In his opening comment at his weekly press conference, Speaker Paul D. Ryan offered the exact response to the Florida high school shooting that Pelosi predicted.

“In a few moments when this vote closes we are going to go upstairs and hold a moment of silence for the victims of this shooting,” the Wisconsin Republican said.

In another familiar response, Ryan said mental health is a frequent issue associated with mass shootings and appears to be related to Wednesday’s shooting at a Florida high school.

“We passed legislation on mental health,” he said.

“We passed legislation cleaning up the instant background check system,” Ryan added, noting it’s sitting in the Senate. The speaker usually refers to this bill when pushed on why he won’t support expanded background check legislation.

Asked if he would be willing to form a select committee on gun violence, Ryan said, “I think Congress should do its job. … We passed mental health legislation two years ago”

Ryan said that law is just being implemented, noting, “The question is, are those laws where they need to be, is it being implemented correctly.”

President Donald Trump stuck a somber tone while addressing the shooting.

“We are all joined together as one American family, and your suffering is our burden, also. No child, no teacher, should ever be in danger in an American school,” he said Thursday.
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