Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby Bearcatrp on Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:49 am

Hmac wrote:Why is he a "low life"? I think he was just a poor scared kid who was not emotionally equipped to make life-or-death decisions, panicked, and killed an innocent person and almost killed his partner. Clearly manslaughter, but I don't see any evil intent that would qualify him as a "low life". I think he was culturally and politically pressured into taking a job that simply was not capable of doing. I'm sure the various police departments see people like that coming through their academies all the time, but this was their opportunity to score political points and by god, they determined that his guy was going to be a cop. Good for their political image, which is of course more important than his ability to perform safely and effectively as a policeman.

Because he took a life that should not have happened! Just a poor scared kid? Are you friggin kidding me? As far as I'm concerned, this lowlife should get the needle or chair!!!! But my guess is IF he makes bail, he will go back to somalia one way or another. But if this does go through the trial and gets convicted, you will see riots from the somalia community. They will say it was unfair or some BS. Would be interesting to know if he was pushed through the police schooling or if he actually made it on his own. Doubt we will ever know.
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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby Holland&Holland on Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:11 pm

Bearcatrp wrote:
Hmac wrote:Why is he a "low life"? I think he was just a poor scared kid who was not emotionally equipped to make life-or-death decisions, panicked, and killed an innocent person and almost killed his partner. Clearly manslaughter, but I don't see any evil intent that would qualify him as a "low life". I think he was culturally and politically pressured into taking a job that simply was not capable of doing. I'm sure the various police departments see people like that coming through their academies all the time, but this was their opportunity to score political points and by god, they determined that his guy was going to be a cop. Good for their political image, which is of course more important than his ability to perform safely and effectively as a policeman.

Because he took a life that should not have happened! Just a poor scared kid? Are you friggin kidding me? As far as I'm concerned, this lowlife should get the needle or chair!!!! But my guess is IF he makes bail, he will go back to somalia one way or another. But if this does go through the trial and gets convicted, you will see riots from the somalia community. They will say it was unfair or some BS. Would be interesting to know if he was pushed through the police schooling or if he actually made it on his own. Doubt we will ever know.

So you are saying it was premeditated? He planned to take a life that night?
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Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby INOR on Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:25 pm

Bearcatrp wrote:Because he took a life that should not have happened! Just a poor scared kid? Are you friggin kidding me? As far as I'm concerned, this lowlife should get the needle or chair!!!! But my guess is IF he makes bail, he will go back to somalia one way or another. But if this does go through the trial and gets convicted, you will see riots from the somalia community. They will say it was unfair or some BS. Would be interesting to know if he was pushed through the police schooling or if he actually made it on his own. Doubt we will ever know.

I think you need to check your bias. I don’t get the sense you’d feel the same if this was a non-Somali cop shooting someone.

I think this was a tragedy that was all about a really young cop sh**ing a brick and panicking due to his inexperience.

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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby Hmac on Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:58 pm

Bearcatrp wrote:
Hmac wrote:Why is he a "low life"? I think he was just a poor scared kid who was not emotionally equipped to make life-or-death decisions, panicked, and killed an innocent person and almost killed his partner. Clearly manslaughter, but I don't see any evil intent that would qualify him as a "low life". I think he was culturally and politically pressured into taking a job that simply was not capable of doing. I'm sure the various police departments see people like that coming through their academies all the time, but this was their opportunity to score political points and by god, they determined that his guy was going to be a cop. Good for their political image, which is of course more important than his ability to perform safely and effectively as a policeman.

Because he took a life that should not have happened! Just a poor scared kid? Are you friggin kidding me? As far as I'm concerned, this lowlife should get the needle or chair!!!! But my guess is IF he makes bail, he will go back to somalia one way or another. But if this does go through the trial and gets convicted, you will see riots from the somalia community. They will say it was unfair or some BS. Would be interesting to know if he was pushed through the police schooling or if he actually made it on his own. Doubt we will ever know.

Yeah...poor scared kid. A political prized pony whose poor performance at the police academy was no secret, although it didn't get widely disseminated in the news (big surprise). He was in over his head and ****** up. Lucky he didn't kill or injure his partner too. Manslaughter fits the crime IMHO, likely never get 3rd degree murder to stick. Might even get pleaded down to negligent homicide or "depraved indifference", or some such thing.
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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby yukonjasper on Wed Mar 21, 2018 3:41 pm

I don't think he was a kid, wasn't he older when he joined attended the Academy after having another career? It's the obvious point now, that he shouldn't have been out there. If the stories of the incompetency he displayed during training and the assertions that he was promoted through the program and passed to patrol status purely for Politically Expedient reasons, the city and the police department will have a lot to answer for. Doesn't excuse the officer, he knows that he didn't earn that badge if the stories are true. I have a very good friend who graduated and was hired to be an officer. Worked a couple years before he was presented with an armed standoff that would have required that he fire his weapon at the suspect if the shot presented itself. The shot never materialized, but he told me that he would not have been able to pull that trigger, so he handed in his badge. I give him credit for not faking it and endangering peoples lives. - Seems like Noor should have done the same. OJT works for a lot of professions that don't have lives in the balance.
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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby crbutler on Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:51 pm

If what you all are saying is true, and he was an incompetent over his head, and everyone knew it on the force, he should be found innocent of anything more than reckless discharge, and the politicos that pushed this through should do murder 3 for extreme negligence/ depraved indifference. The Mayor and the Chief should be in shakopee.

At some point we have to stop social policy being done at the expense of the job being done right.

If that woman is provably dead because the do-gooders insisted that Noor be put on patrol despite documented misgivings by his training officers and the academy, they deserve to do prison time- and not the taxpayers paying some excessive settlement to pay weregeld - if that happens the folks who authorized it should be wholly responsible.
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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby Hmac on Thu Mar 22, 2018 3:33 am

crbutler wrote:If what you all are saying is true, and he was an incompetent over his head, and everyone knew it on the force, he should be found innocent of anything more than reckless discharge, and the politicos that pushed this through should do murder 3 for extreme negligence/ depraved indifference. The Mayor and the Chief should be in shakopee.

At some point we have to stop social policy being done at the expense of the job being done right.

If that woman is provably dead because the do-gooders insisted that Noor be put on patrol despite documented misgivings by his training officers and the academy, they deserve to do prison time- and not the taxpayers paying some excessive settlement to pay weregeld - if that happens the folks who authorized it should be wholly responsible.
I’m sure that will all come up in the civil suit, but as to criminal charges, ”they” didn’t pull the trigger, Noor did.
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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby Bearcatrp on Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:29 am

I see he made bail. Did you guys here the argument from his attorney about bail? I'll bet he runs back to somalia, without his passport that was surrendered.
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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby Ghost on Thu Mar 22, 2018 7:03 am

Bearcatrp wrote:I see he made bail. Did you guys here the argument from his attorney about bail? I'll bet he runs back to somalia, without his passport that was surrendered.

I bet not
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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby BigBlue on Thu Mar 22, 2018 7:11 am

Bearcatrp wrote:I see he made bail. Did you guys here the argument from his attorney about bail? I'll bet he runs back to somalia, without his passport that was surrendered.

I love his attorney's fedora. Looks straight out of the 50's. Not enough people wear them anymore...

And no, he's not going to flee.
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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby crbutler on Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:07 pm

Hmac wrote:
crbutler wrote:If what you all are saying is true, and he was an incompetent over his head, and everyone knew it on the force, he should be found innocent of anything more than reckless discharge, and the politicos that pushed this through should do murder 3 for extreme negligence/ depraved indifference. The Mayor and the Chief should be in shakopee.

At some point we have to stop social policy being done at the expense of the job being done right.

If that woman is provably dead because the do-gooders insisted that Noor be put on patrol despite documented misgivings by his training officers and the academy, they deserve to do prison time- and not the taxpayers paying some excessive settlement to pay weregeld - if that happens the folks who authorized it should be wholly responsible.
I’m sure that will all come up in the civil suit, but as to criminal charges, ”they” didn’t pull the trigger, Noor did.

They have put mafia dons in prison for this.

Criminal conspiracy.

Yes I know it’s not likely, but it should happen. They knew they were letting an incompetent officer on the street, and it was likely to have a bad outcome of some sort. They gambled that he wouldn’t have a problem and the lady paid the price.
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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby ijosef on Thu Mar 29, 2018 7:52 am

He won't do much prison time if convicted. Let's say they acquit him of 3rd degree murder but convict him of the 2nd degree manslaughter charge. With his clean record, he'll get three years - spend two of them in a correctional facility and one on supervised released (parole). He'll be a felon, but his life won't be completely over because of this, even if the trial doesn't go his way.
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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby striped1 on Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:45 pm

atomic41 wrote:
sansooshooter wrote:I have to admit , I am surprised he is being charged.
I will be knocked on my backside if he is convicted.

He will be convicted. The tell tale sign was way back when the union bailed out on supporting him. He's done.

Something caused both officers to have their weapons out. Ie., both had enough cause for concern for their safety that each had pulled their firearm while sitting in their car. Did they fear an ambush? Possibly, likely. The war on cops was a factor in this.

From seated in a car and surprised by something outside the driver's door, the passenger has a better shot and if done correctly, presses his partner into the driver seat to keep him out of the line of fire. Not ideal, but in a bad situation, it is a better shot than the driver has.

Why she slapped the car and ran up on them is a mystery. Not real bright, but she had already called twice and was likely impatient and angry at the response time.

Ultimately, a lot contributed to this and went wrong, but in the end, there was something that cause both of these officers to have unholstered their weapons inside that vehicle and that is likely enough to acquit.
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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby Hmac on Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:05 pm

striped1 wrote:Something caused both officers to have their weapons out. Ie., both had enough cause for concern for their safety that each had pulled their firearm while sitting in their car. Did they fear an ambush? Possibly, likely.

Which is absolutely against policy for that and most other law enforcement agencies.
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Re: Minneapolis officer charged in shooting of Australian woman

Postby rtk on Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:41 pm

I do not believe the ambush crap. Sitting in squad with a police interceptor engine and not getting out of dodge doesn't cut it. Also, sitting in a confined space with the threat of ambush is bs also. They would have been out of the squad in a heartbeat or have been heading down the alley with the pedal to the floor. 50th and Washburn is a mighty tame area, a couple of blocks West and you are in Edina. See how it pans out, someone screened up big time and I don't think it was deceased.
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