Time for legal federal medical marijuana?

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Time for legal federal medical marijuana?

Postby INOR on Sun Sep 23, 2018 7:36 am

Was watching a YouTube vid this morning about fed law around guns and marijuana use. Of course, everybody who has purchased guns knows that the fed form asks about this and prohibits purchase if you use marijuana or any other illicit drug. But that runs contrary to most states that allow medical marijuana in some form with many also moving towards recreational use laws. With respect to med use, do you guys think it’s time that the feds relaxed their marijuana laws to allow for med use? And if so, would you agree that med use shouldn’t be a factor in denying purchase? There are obviously much worse prescription drugs than marijuana ever would be. Opioids and antidepressants come to mind. And yet neither of those drug prescription categories prevent someone from purchase. At least not currently.

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Re: Time for legal federal medical marijuana?

Postby Ghost on Sun Sep 23, 2018 7:45 am

I think federal marijuana laws should be enforced equally in all states.

I also think laws controlling what people do on their own property are wrong. Those laws should be removed.
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Time for legal federal medical marijuana?

Postby INOR on Sun Sep 23, 2018 8:20 am

Side note....was at Septemberfest in Eagan last night for Hairball and Arch Allies. So unless I’m mistaken, that’s a fundraiser for a Catholic Church and School there. And there were people toking up under the big top during the show. Yep, it was pretty much a back to the 80s event. Was just a little weird that they were doing that at an event hosted by a Catholic Church.

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Re: Time for legal federal medical marijuana?

Postby Ghost on Sun Sep 23, 2018 8:24 am

INOR wrote:Side note....was at Septemberfest in Eagan last night for Hairball and Arch Allies. So unless I’m mistaken, that’s a fundraiser for a Catholic Church and School there. And there were people toking up under the big top during the show. Yep, it was pretty much a back to the 80s event. Was just a little weird that they were doing that at an event hosted by a Catholic Church.

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Worked with a guy that was involved in that church, he wasn’t impressed with what his church was willing to do for money.
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Re: Time for legal federal medical marijuana?

Postby andrewP on Sun Sep 23, 2018 8:34 am

Laws around marijuana in this country are a patchwork of nonsense at this point with it being "legal" in some states for medical use, in some for recreational use, and not at all in others. I have no dog in the fight, but it seems super silly to me that states are trying to legalize it when it's still a schedule 1 narcotic at the federal level. Fed gov should either enforce the laws as they are, which would result in arresting a wide swath of people in California and Colorado, which would be hilarious, or just quit screwing around and legalize, regulate, and tax it. Frankly, I couldn't possibly care less if somebody else smokes it as long as I don't have to be in an enclosed space with them when they do, and they don't drive/carry a gun/operate heavy machinery/etc. until they're sober afterward. As was mentioned upthread, the 4473 would have to be updated to no longer specifically call out marijuana, but that's not exactly a difficult edit to make.
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Re: Time for legal federal medical marijuana?

Postby Bearcatrp on Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:13 pm

Don’t think it’s any different than alcohol. I used to smoke that stuff in high school and 1st couple years in the military. 1st duty station was Hawaii, which has the best in the world. Gave it up though a long time ago. The good part legalizing it would be the tax revenue collected. Colorado is over 1 billion per year. Our worthless government would probably wiz it away on BS anyways. But it would bring problems with it to. Bring it in gradually would probably work. But don’t let our government let there buddies control the output like what is going on now. The federal government should revise there stance should most states legalize it. Heck, entire Canadian government just legalized it not long ago. I can go either way. Like I said, I gave it up a long time ago. As far as opioids, there is no crisis. I lived on them for 8 years due to my 1st back surgery. Second surgery recently seemed to fix the issues but to early to tell. Been off for over 2 months. You look at so called overdose victims to see if they fixed there issue or didn’t have health care to cover the fix. But there are some folks who cannot be fixed and stuck on opioids. Either clear them for medical marijuana or let them have the opioids! Opioid crisis my arse!
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Re: Time for legal federal medical marijuana?

Postby Rip Van Winkle on Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:50 pm

The older I get the more I think it should just be legalized.

I think the claimed medical benefits are dubious at best, and I’m not going to throw my life away on that s#%t, but I detest the police state this country has turned into more than I detest dopers.
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Re: Time for legal federal medical marijuana?

Postby Jackpine Savage on Sun Sep 23, 2018 7:42 pm

Rip Van Winkle wrote:The older I get the more I think it should just be legalized.

I think the claimed medical benefits are dubious at best, and I’m not going to throw my life away on that s#%t, but I detest the police state this country has turned into more than I detest dopers.

That's where I'm at too. The war on drugs has been a great excuse to erode our rights. Prisons are full. Gangs are fully employed. Mexico is nearly a failed state, the border could get much worse. And there is still no shortage of drugs on the street.
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Re: Time for legal federal medical marijuana?

Postby xd ED on Sun Sep 23, 2018 8:41 pm

Jackpine Savage wrote:
Rip Van Winkle wrote:The older I get the more I think it should just be legalized.

I think the claimed medical benefits are dubious at best, and I’m not going to throw my life away on that s#%t, but I detest the police state this country has turned into more than I detest dopers.

That's where I'm at too. The war on drugs has been a great excuse to erode our rights. Prisons are full. Gangs are fully employed. Mexico is nearly a failed state, the border could get much worse. And there is still no shortage of drugs on the street.

perhaps not fully legal, but decriminalized enough to take the steam out of the drug markets.

The current nonsense keeps lots and lots of people employed;

Cops, lawyers - on both sides, bail bondsmen, a huge black market of firearms, arms dealers selling the latest and greatest armaments for potential use against citizens....
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Re: Time for legal federal medical marijuana?

Postby Holland&Holland on Sun Sep 23, 2018 8:52 pm

Really could not care less on this one.
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Re: Time for legal federal medical marijuana?

Postby Lumpy on Thu Sep 27, 2018 7:51 pm

The federal government goes after traffickers and major distributors but it's always been up to state and local authorities to police possession and street level sales. If the states refuse to, the FBI and DEA don't have the manpower (or arguably the authority) to bust recreational users.
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