Senate Committee Advances Dangerous Judicial Nominee

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Senate Committee Advances Dangerous Judicial Nominee

Postby jdege on Fri Jun 21, 2019 5:42 am
Senate Committee Advances Dangerous Judicial Nominee
Kristine Lucius, executive vice president for policy and government affairs at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, issued the following statement on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s vote to advance the nomination of Daniel Bress (U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit).

“Bress, a young conservative ideologue, is the third nominee to the Ninth Circuit to advance over the objection of both Ranking Member Feinstein and Senator Harris this year alone. This unravelling of a long-established process is part of Trump’s efforts to reshape the courts and, in particular, to remake the Ninth Circuit, which has correctly ruled against his extreme and dangerous policies on several occasions. Chairman Graham’s decision to force this nomination through in spite of the objections of both home-state senators is the latest example of the breakdown of precedents and traditions that historically protected our courts through senators’ advice and consent. Despite lacking California ties, Bress was advanced by Senate Republicans, which ends yet another Senate norm. The full Senate must reject this troubling nomination.”
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Re: Senate Committee Advances Dangerous Judicial Nominee

Postby Rip Van Winkle on Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:12 am

Senators Feinstein and Harris being unhappy makes me very happy.
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Re: Senate Committee Advances Dangerous Judicial Nominee

Postby Ghost on Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:16 am

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Re: Senate Committee Advances Dangerous Judicial Nominee

Postby Randygmn on Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:33 am

Bress was a prodigy who’s intellect is extraordinarily rare. At 40 years old, he can potentially sit on that bench for 3 decades.
I’ll admit that Trump wasn’t my first, second or third choice in 2016. But I voted for him because all democrats are terrorists and the most important function performed by a modern president is the nomination of federal/Supreme Court justices. I took a leap of faith that he’d strictly follow the advice of the Federalist Society. Thankfully, he has.
Trump has now gotten 104 federal judges seated in only 2 years. There are 52 more vacancies being filled as we speak. Bress is one them. Before 2024 there will undoubtedly be 2, perhaps 3 more vacancies on the Supreme Court. If for no other reason, Trump has unequivocally proven himself during this historic reformation of our judiciary, and has earned my full throated support for 2020. God forbid the democrat terrorists have the chance to make those nominations instead.
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Re: Senate Committee Advances Dangerous Judicial Nominee

Postby jdege on Fri Jun 21, 2019 10:59 am

I've been a Libertarian most of my life.

For the longest time I hated both major parties equally.

The Democrat tantrum following the election of Dubya convinced me that I could no longer hold that position in good faith, and I've been supporting Republicans.

But I've always dreamed that someday that I could go back to hating both parties equally.

And I have to say that during the Obama administration we were getting closer to that. But unfortunately, it was because of the loathsome behavior of the Republicans in Congress, not because the Democrats returned to sanity.

Trump has changed that. I never liked him, and I still don't like him.

But I like what he's doing. Both in the courts, and in policy, and in encouraging Republicans to stand for what they'd promised to stand for.
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Re: Senate Committee Advances Dangerous Judicial Nominee

Postby Lumpy on Fri Jun 21, 2019 8:53 pm

Oh, whew. I thought this meant dangerous to the Second Amendment.
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Re: Senate Committee Advances Dangerous Judicial Nominee

Postby Holland&Holland on Sat Jun 22, 2019 7:41 am

Lumpy wrote:Oh, whew. I thought this meant dangerous to the Second Amendment.

Nope dangerous as in not supporting the socialist agenda. It is almost like they are guided by a founding set of principles or something. Someone should right those down...
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Re: Senate Committee Advances Dangerous Judicial Nominee

Postby Rip Van Winkle on Sat Jun 22, 2019 7:53 am

Holland&Holland wrote: It is almost like they are guided by a founding set of principles or something. Someone should right those down...

Already been done. I think it was a guy named Marx. (Carl not Groucho)

But you already knew that. ;)
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