Maybe Stupidest anti-gun proposal ever

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Maybe Stupidest anti-gun proposal ever

Postby daleamn on Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:05 pm

Disclaimer: this is from Reddit a few months ago and I don't have the link to it anymore and MAYBE it was sarcasm (but I don't think so).

Someone on Reddit suggested a partial cure for the "gun violence" problem in the U.S. would be "reduce the amount of gun powder in ammunition".

That would make shootings less lethal and reduce the number of deaths.

To address the problem this would have with reloaders they suggested the commercial powders we buy be cut by the manufacturers with some inert substance at the factory so the powder would be less powerful.

Anybody got anything they've encountered that is dumber than this I would be interested.


Please believe me that I DO take very seriously those folk right here in this state that are pushing laws and regulations, like Universal Background Checks (which are unworkable) and Red Flag (Gun Confiscation Laws) (which are dumb---if someone is a threat to themselves or others do NOT leave them free to do dastardly acts NOT involving firearms---and there are plenty of those they could do---take them into custody and get them help or incarcerate them---and do it LEGALLY too!) We need to work together to stop these useless actions that WILL NOT reduce "gun violence". Toward that end, a few months ago I sent in my check to MN Gun Owners Caucus.
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Re: Maybe Stupidest anti-gun proposal ever

Postby Ghost on Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:19 pm

A different segment but I encountered something similar.

In my past life I designed cranes used on offshore oil rigs. If you’ve ever been out in California at the beach and looked into the distance you may have seen a jackup rig with our cranes on it.

At one point we got a request from one of the California customers talking about how they need to reduce their emissions from the rig. They wanted to know if we could govern the diesel engines at half throttle in order to cut the emissions in half.

There were a few ways of looking at this, half throttle makes everything take twice as long which in a linear emission curve would net zero gain, also linear emissions at less optimal engine speeds are not likely. This idea additionally makes things significantly more dangerous when lifting a load from a heaving boat due to half the speed available.

We had to tell them no.
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Re: Maybe Stupidest anti-gun proposal ever

Postby BigBlue on Mon Mar 09, 2020 5:02 pm

Well, the folks suggesting these types of things are operating on half brain power, so I guess there is an explanation for their dumb ideas.
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Re: Maybe Stupidest anti-gun proposal ever

Postby Holland&Holland on Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:15 pm

What if we all just bought a double barrel shotgun and shot 2 blasts into the air?

I will see your stupid and raise you 1 idiot.
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Re: Maybe Stupidest anti-gun proposal ever

Postby Lumpy on Tue Mar 10, 2020 8:22 pm

Maybe Stupidest anti-gun proposal ever
That's a very high bar to clear, although I admit this is a contender. :lol:
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