What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

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What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby Lumpy on Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:36 am

Statistically they're still rare in a nation of 330 million people, but the public is starting to panic. If something isn't done we're going to see a ban on semiauto rifles with removable magazines, and that may be only the start. Lawful gun owners need something better than to have to shrug our shoulders and say "them's the breaks". The problem is that the worst of all possible worlds is when one homicidal nut has a gun and no one else does. Of course we'd say the answer is more lawful people being armed, but telling the hoplophobes that they should arm themselves is not going to be well-received.
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby yukonjasper on Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:51 am

Lumpy wrote:Statistically they're still rare in a nation of 330 million people, but the public is starting to panic. If something isn't done we're going to see a ban on semiauto rifles with removable magazines, and that may be only the start. Lawful gun owners need something better than to have to shrug our shoulders and say "them's the breaks". The problem is that the worst of all possible worlds is when one homicidal nut has a gun and no one else does. Of course we'd say the answer is more lawful people being armed, but telling the hoplophobes that they should arm themselves is not going to be well-received.

That is the question for sure. The problem with part of the answer is that the Liberals who want the bans also control the solution. I think we can all agree that questionable mental health is the root of the majority if not all of these incidents. We routinely hear that teachers, schools and social workers are aware of the shooters lack of sound judgment and instability fairly early on, but don't act out of fear of Stigmatizing the person and labeling them at an early age, when help may be a benefit. Families and the people around these mentally ill individuals also refuse to act. As easy as it is to blame the weapon, the issue is with the individuals choosing the weapon and, more broadly, the systems that purport to shape young minds and provide guidance. It is interesting that the Educational Complex wants control and influence over ever aspect of child rearing, despite the parents objection, in some cases, but then deny any responsibility for the "finished "product. Nice little double standard.......
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby Scratch on Thu Mar 25, 2021 1:22 pm

I think there are two main items that can help with the mass shootings.

1. Get more people to carry concealed in more places. Yes, the liberals will never carry themselves, but the more of us get out there carrying, it might help make up the difference. It may not "stop" the mass shootings, but it will end in fewer deaths.

2. Work on the mental health issue to help identify and stop the shooting before it ever happens.
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby BigBlue on Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:16 pm

My take on the situation is that the only effective way to reduce violence is to change society so that a) violence is less acceptable (i.e. a person should feel like they are doing a very bad thing); and b) identify why folks get to the point that they feel violence is the only option for them. Unless we impact the root cause of why violence happens we'll never reduce the actual violence. They can ban all the things they want but a evil person intent on doing harm will find a way to proceed. Guns, knives, clubs, fists, cars, fire, bombs, acid... There are always other ways to inflict harm. Look at the UK. They're at the point where they are trying to ban pointed kitchen knives. How that isn't a clear indicator to anti-gunners that guns aren't the problem I cannot fathom.

And yes, this type of resolution is a long game. Just a long as it was for society to turn away from morals of an earlier time that made people feel like violence was not acceptable. It will need to start with reinforcing good parenting and having both a mother and father in a child's life. In too many places a kid grows up without good guidance of a parent so they fall in with other kids (i.e. gangs) and learn a whole different type of morals. The 'he disrespected me so I have to hurt him' mindset is toxic.
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby Lumpy on Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:50 pm

Then we get into the question of "red flag" laws, which are what you'd need to intervene in a case of someone genuinely disturbed and a legitimate threat; but then you'd have vengeful ex's, hoplophobes and garden-variety busybodies constantly swatting people who are not a threat.
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby xd ED on Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:59 pm

Lumpy wrote:Then we get into the question of "red flag" laws, which are what you'd need to intervene in a case of someone genuinely disturbed and a legitimate threat; but then you'd have vengeful ex's, hoplophobes and garden-variety busybodies constantly swatting people who are not a threat.

Red flag laws that focus on the individual, and that person's behavior; keeping him/ her, as well well as society safe... not merely crafting an excuse to confiscate someone's firearms.
If an adult is truly not safe to possess a firearm, they probably aren't safe to be on their own in society.
From what I understand, we have such legislation now. But in the end, making, and keeping people safe is not the end goal of gun control
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby Holland&Holland on Thu Mar 25, 2021 3:37 pm

Auto accident deaths kill many more per year than guns. WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING. Starting tomorrow we should outlaw gas tanks over 6 gallons, If it has more than 4 cylinders it is for racing only (no lawful driver needs to own one), we need red flag laws to prevent bad drivers from having access to cars, all car sales must have a full background check, take a driving class, have a 10 day cooling off period before you get said car, and no cars are allowed to be painted black.

I am not interested in ANY new infringements on my rights. You can take my AR from my cold, dead, hands.
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby americos on Thu Mar 25, 2021 6:16 pm

FBI purposely sold gun to prohibit persons .
How many guns FBI-ATF put in hands of crazy people?
When Trump got elected ATF have to confiscate over 4000 guns sold in wrong hands by FBI-ATF approval under Obama.
Now looks like same scenario in play.
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby Holland&Holland on Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:09 pm

americos wrote:FBI purposely sold gun to prohibit persons .
How many guns FBI-ATF put in hands of crazy people?
When Trump got elected ATF have to confiscate over 4000 guns sold in wrong hands by FBI-ATF approval under Obama.
Now looks like same scenario in play.
Right people have to be elected and clean anti Americans from federal and state employees

The swamp did not get drained. ;)
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby americos on Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:56 pm

Drain too small
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby Holland&Holland on Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:14 pm

americos wrote:Drain too small

Too Little to late.
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby yukonjasper on Fri Mar 26, 2021 2:10 pm

The Swamp dwellers on both sides of the aisle hung him out and colluded to get him out of office to keep the gravey train running. Second term would have been clean up time because he couldn't run again, so roll up the sleeves and start shoveling the ****......theoretically.
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby Holland&Holland on Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:47 pm

yukonjasper wrote:The Swamp dwellers on both sides of the aisle hung him out and colluded to get him out of office to keep the gravey train running. Second term would have been clean up time because he couldn't run again, so roll up the sleeves and start shoveling the ****......theoretically.

Not sure he would have been effective despite intent.
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby Bearcatrp on Sat Mar 27, 2021 5:28 am

americos wrote:Drain too small

Nah, the swamp is to big. Think Trump underestimated the size of the swamp. Instead of the size of texas, it turns out its the size of the pacific ocean.
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Re: What the F### can be done about gun massacres?

Postby LarryFlew on Sat Mar 27, 2021 10:46 am

Bearcatrp wrote:
americos wrote:Drain too small

Nah, the swamp is to big. Think Trump underestimated the size of the swamp. Instead of the size of texas, it turns out its the size of the pacific ocean.

And getting bigger every day.
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